Total Exposure

Ever fantasized about really putting it all out there for the world to see on the Internet? Not just full-frontal nude photos with face (and, for the guys, an erection), but also your real name, the city where you live, maybe even some ID. Some of us fantasize about it, some are considering it, and some have actually done it! Let's talk!

Total Exposure Is Really Exciting To Me But...

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Although I love the idea of being exposed in nude pics and videos with my real name and personal information, it could be very damaging to my career if the wrong person came across it. I have taken the risk on dares and lost bets a few times and temporarily posted pics showing my face and very hard erection along with my driver's license, but it's only been for a few minutes at a time and they've only been seen by a few people as far as I know. Even so, it's both exciting and scary knowing that the pic might have been downloaded by someone and could pop up at any time someplace very public!

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RE:Total Exposure Is Really Exciting To Me But...

Although I love the idea of being exposed in nude pics and videos with my real name and personal information, it could be very damaging to my career if the wrong person came across it. I have taken the risk on dares and lost bets a few times and temporarily posted pics showing my face and very hard erection along with my driver's license, but it's only been for a few minutes at a time and they've only been seen by a few people as far as I know. Even so, it's both exciting and scary knowing that the pic might have been downloaded by someone and could pop up at any time someplace very public!

I find it interesting that you'll do all that but yet your profile is locked/private.....

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RE:Total Exposure Is Really Exciting To Me But...

Although I love the idea of being exposed in nude picsI find it interesting that you'll do all that but yet your profile is locked/private.....

Maybe that's it! Those of us who do expose our naked selves on websites just do it as a matter of course. I have photos on Flickr and Tumblr which can be downloaded and reposted. And maybe it stops being exciting. Whereas those who normally hide their nude selves get extra excitement when they, occasionally, let go.

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RE:Total Exposure Is Really Exciting To Me But...

I must be extremely careful.....its kind of embarrassing too.

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RE:Total Exposure Is Really Exciting To Me But...

Although I love the idea of being exposed in nude pics and videos with my real name and personal information, it could be very damaging to my career if the wrong person came across it. I have taken the risk on dares and lost bets a few times and temporarily posted pics showing my face and very hard erection along with my driver's license, but it's only been for a few minutes at a time and they've only been seen by a few people as far as I know. Even so, it's both exciting and scary knowing that the pic might have been downloaded by someone and could pop up at any time someplace very public!I find it interesting that you'll do all that but yet your profile is locked/private.....

I didn't realize it was set that way. It's all public now.

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RE:Total Exposure Is Really Exciting To Me But...

Although I love the idea of being exposed in nude pics and videos with my real name and personal information, it could be very damaging to my career if the wrong person came across it. I have taken the risk on dares and lost bets a few times and temporarily posted pics showing my face and very hard erection along with my driver's license, but it's only been for a few minutes at a time and they've only been seen by a few people as far as I know. Even so, it's both exciting and scary knowing that the pic might have been downloaded by someone and could pop up at any time someplace very public!I find it interesting that you'll do all that but yet your profile is locked/private.....

I didn't realize it was set that way. It's all public now.

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RE:Total Exposure Is Really Exciting To Me But...

I still get excited each and every time someone reblogs my photos on tumblr or takes a nude photo of mine and post it elsewhere. Rather than issue a takedown request I'm the complete opposite, I encourage people to post even more of my stuff elsewhere! I love being naked for everyone. :)

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RE:Total Exposure Is Really Exciting To Me But...

Interesting discussion, and it makes on think about what one finds exciting or how far one would go. I am happy to be completely buckass naked in public, or to get picked up for a drive with absolutely nothing on--but I'm not that into seeing my own info or drivers license online. Lately I've been into meeting guys with nothing at all, no clothes, no shoes, no recourse...and going on naked adventures. Some of my photos here are of those adventures, completely exposed. But having ID and so on out there? Not my scene.....although I understand the thrill for some folks.

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RE:Total Exposure Is Really Exciting To Me But...

Interesting discussion, and it makes on think about what one finds exciting or how far one would go. I am happy to be completely buckass naked in public, or to get picked up for a drive with absolutely nothing on--but I'm not that into seeing my own info or drivers license online. Lately I've been into meeting guys with nothing at all, no clothes, no shoes, no recourse...and going on naked adventures. Some of my photos here are of those adventures, completely exposed. But having ID and so on out there? Not my scene.....although I understand the thrill for some folks.

Wish we were closer. I'd love a no clothes/no recourse meeting and naked adventure with you!

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RE:Total Exposure Is Really Exciting To Me But...

I'm retired and single, I wouldn't like my nudes all over the net, but no big deal if it happens, I no longer have a boss or anybody to give me hell for showing my naked body. I just checked the pics I have posted on this site and I'm pretty sure no one is going to post pictures of my droopy old ass anyway.

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RE:Total Exposure Is Really Exciting To Me But...

I have been a nudist and exhibitionist since well before I was of legal age. That being said - I really enjoy finding me nude photos and videos all over the internet and encourage you to post anty that you find of me anywhere. Just send me the web addresses so I can see myself

That being said - I will be posting some of my nude photos and vids here on trueswingers. I hope that you will like them and that you will post them on other sites.
Paul Chenevey

[email protected]


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