The Manicured Bush

Some prefer a bit of hair, but manicured and waxed with an abbreviated bush is super fun. We love the aestitician, the laser tech, a nice razor or epilation...Come share your stories and pics of wonderful and imaginative pubic designs, hair removal and exciting scenes of hair removal and hairless skin...

Take a look at my profile picture. I've been shaving/trimming my pubes in that triangular shape for quite awhile. Sometimes I'll leave the bush full and other times, I'll trim it down very close. I haven't had my triangle much bigger than what's in the photo, but I have gone smaller. I've had a very small triangle of hair. Tiny. I liked it small. First time I trimmed it down real small I'd gone to a nude beach to show it off. Occasionally, I've gone for a thin pencil line of hair. I tried to see how thin I could get it and have it still noticeable. But I tend to go right back to my triangle since I think it suits me better. I've always kept my balls perfectly smooth. The few times I've let all the hair around my dick grow out, I find it disturbing! It's too much hair! Keeping it cropped in a triangle looks so much more natural and fitting and has a clean, scrubbed feeling about it. What do you guys think? I'd love opinions. Don't even ask me to shave it all off. I tried that once and it looked awful. If you have hair on your chest and that trail leading down to your dick, without the pubic hair, it looks pathetically idiotic. I always wished I was totally smooth. If I was, all that dick hair would be gone for sure! I have a serious 'thing' for all you guys that are smooth from head to toe.

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RE:My Triangle

You look great, love your furry body and the triangle is very sexy!

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