Tampa Bay, FL Area Hookups

Those of us who are interested in meeting for casual fun in the Tampa area. If you are local or visiting this is where to announce your desires.

So we all need a break!

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Last year was so taxing on all of us and in so many ways. Of course it is not over but we still need some nude companions! You can reach me on hangouts with [email protected] Feel free to reach out.

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RE:So we all need a break!

I miss hanging out nude and chatting with nude buds in the locker room at the gym.
Maybe going into the steam room and giving each other a hand with some tension relief exercises.

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RE:So we all need a break!

I think about the gym so much after almost a year of choosing not to go. My reward for getting there and working out was time in the steam room, seeing who would choose to enter naked and who would not. Sometimes it was only me, sometimes it would be 3 clothed and 3 naked, and once in a while it would be 5 naked guys and one hapless guy in shorts LOL. Here's hoping it's safe enough to go back soon.

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RE:So we all need a break!

2020 fuxjin SUCKED!! But it didn't stop us from still having swinger and nudist parties.

And guess what.....NOT A SINGLE PERSON GOT SICK!!!
Even with all the kissing and sucking we did!

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RE:So we all need a break!

Couldnt agree more bud. I will shoot you an email.

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RE:So we all need a break!

I agree with everyone. Definitely miss nude social. Time and fun times. Cant wait for some
Social male nude days

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