Swingers That Love Haulover Beach

Hey there. Love the Haulover Beach? This is the group for you. Lets discuss and talk about our experiences at Haulover.

I love Haulover

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The first time I visited Haulover, I thought I had died and gone to Heaven. I had read about it so I knew the location of the gay and straight section. I couldnt wait to get my clothes off after coming from the parking lot. I walked part of the gay section until I found some heavy set older guys and put my chair nearby for a good view. I knew that they were aware of me as well. I got settled in then made eye contact with one guy I found very attractive. I picked up my sunscreen and asked if he would mind putting some on my back. He was happy to. He did an excellent job and we sat and talked. Since it is patrolled, we did nothing overtly sexual although the lotion spreading did puff us both up a little. After awhile, I spread some lotion on his shoulders as he sat. My cock was moving against his arm the entire time. He kind of caught it in the crook of his arm and kept it there. Puffed again. We had a pleasant day and each went our own ways. I could not wait to go again.

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