Studland Nudist Beach

Group for all who have used or like to go Studland Nudist Beach near Swanage in Dorset UK

Hi all. Weve walked along Studland beach area many times but never been nude. This year we plan to change that when we visit mid July. Neither of us are models, my wifes size 18 and Im 16stone so a little body conscious and tbh a bit nervous. I get the impression theres a bit of community atmosphere and people chat so Is there anything we should be aware of or bring with us when we go there?

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RE:Nudist virgins

Lovely beach, nice and clean. Pick a warm day and it's the place to be.
Go there for yourselves and you will soon forget being self conscious

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RE:Nudist virgins

Agree with reassuring messages its fab
Hope to meet you there one day

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RE:Nudist virgins

We're off down there for two weeks this weekend...just when it's getting warmer too! Don't be shy, you'll see all shapes and sizes and no one takes any notice of what shape you are.....unless you've got a 2ft long cock, you might get a few looks then! LOL

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