South Coast UK Naked Boating

This group is for naturists who own a boat and would like to host other naturists for short trips or weekenders. Nudists that would like to go nude boating. If you want to meet new friends for naked trips. Need a hand with cost sharing taking your boat out or offering naked sailing lessons or water skiing. This is the group for you. All Cetified UK members welcome. Poole, Bournemouth area...

naked boating in Europe or the UK

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Hey gang

I'm looking for a ship to join that is crewed and captained by nudists in a -preferably- noncommercial setting.

I'm an aspiring crewman, just a harbour manuvres and a few 100 NM removed from my competent crewman level, so I should be able to pull my own weight onboard.

I'm mainly looking for opportunities near Belgium or Greece, but anywhere else in Europe is fine too.

Feel free to reach out if you've any suggestions or open positions.

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