Small Endowed

people who are small endowed/ or like small endowed guys

are you a smoothie because your penis is so small

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i have noticed most men in this group - heck most on ts are smoothie but are you a smoothie mainly or partially because you have such a small penis and it gets lost in that hairy patch.

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RE: are you a smoothie because your penis is so small

well it didn't start out that way as i was looking for a smooth all over tan but i did notice my penis looked bigger so when i thought about growing back a patch i changed my mind and now it's been several years that i have stayed smooth, i like how my small penis stands out against my smooth skin - yes it makes it look more suckable :)

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RE: are you a smoothie because your penis is so small

well i agree, sometimes i look at my penis in the mirror and with being a smoothie i look like a ten year old down there. as i get older and heavier it seems to get smaller and when flaccid it seems as if it retracts further into my loss skin making me look un-cut.

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RE: are you a smoothie because your penis is so small

On the starting question:- I'm smooth because it feels good. Yes there is the bonus that wee willy looks bigger. And a heap of gray hairs are gone too.

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RE: are you a smoothie because your penis is so small

would be interesting having a gray bush ,years ago i dated a lady that had a gray/white bush she was on in her 50's but grayed early and yes it was hot especially when she had a landing strip but left it long like a mohawk.

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RE: are you a smoothie because your penis is so small

Yes I find that with my tiny wee cock and being shaved I look like a wee boy. My wife says that all the time. It was her insistence that she started to shave me before we were married over 35 years ago.

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RE: are you a smoothie because your penis is so small

I stayed smooth for most of 2012. Then I let my body hair grow for the winter. Now it is spring it's decision time. Should I shave it all off or stay hairy? I'm doing an experiment asking people to vote in Daring Nudists/Swingers group. I will go with the outcome. The truoble is there arn't many votes.

Up date The votes came in and I shaved it all off in early May 2013. It's now October and I'm still smooth. But winter is coming.

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RE: are you a smoothie because your penis is so small

Perhaps? i never rightly considered it . . . I don't think it enhances the size by any stretch (pardon the pun) . . . I just like the clean feel of being mostly smooth . . . I still leave a triangle with the point towards my cock . . . initially to symbolize a vagina . . . now, I just like the style of the cut . . .and rendering it bi-weekly . .. good question to put though . . .

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RE: are you a smoothie because your penis is so small

like going commando i've been a smoothie for so long anything different would be uncomfortable, during the cold months i will put on a tee shirt when laying around but stay bottomless . i think the body needs to breath just like it needs total sun to stay healthy.

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RE: are you a smoothie because your penis is so small

Nope I've been shaving my pubes since I was 15 never liked hair down there

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RE: are you a smoothie because your penis is so small

My wife says that if a mans penis and balls are very small then it only makes sense to keep it shaved and smooth. When you are the size of a 9 year old boy, they never have pubic hair. Keep in the theme of tiny cock, no pubic hair and embrace how humiliating it is.

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