Proud Pussy Ladies

A group for ladies to show there pussy and / exposed clt

I've found that in the nudist world, there are several "types" of women when it comes to exposure. Women who feel the pussy should be "kept private", those who feel it should be exposed (especially for tanning); and those that don't pay too much attention to whether their pussy is exposed or not.

The first category always struck me as "limited." These are the women that always keep their legs closed. They won't do certain activities that might cause the pussy to be seen. They climb out of the pool sideways and quickly. Some will even place an object between their legs while tanning.

The second category is mostly sunbathers (and sometimes exhibitionists lol). They are often fully aware of how exposed they are and even proud of how their pussy looks. You'll usually see them at the beach or by the resort pool shaven bald and tanning open-legged. They're going for a seamless tan (or attention). But you have to be careful; as fascinating as that sighting can be, anything more than a glance could get you a dirty look. I have a friend who will socialize while tanning with her legs open, and even though she has a cute tiny pussy, I have to try to maintain eye contact (but not always lol!)

The third category is my favorite, and one my wife also belongs to. These are the women that acknowledge that their pussy is sometimes going to incidentally "show"; and choose not to care too much about it. Whether it's bending over to straighten a towel, straddling a lounge chair, climbing out of the hot tub with their pussy showing from the back; it's often casual and unintentional. When my wife is "caught unaware" and suddenly realizes her pussy is fully visible to someone, she is more likely to make it an "ooops moment" and laugh about it. The same thing has happened to me; like when a woman bent over in front of me while I was lounging, "accidentally" exposing her asshole and pussy to my face. She turned around and apologized laughing: no harm no foul. She accidentally exposed herself to me, and I accidentally looked at her pussy and asshole.
To me, it's the lack of intent that makes it fun!

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My wife's changing attitude about her pussy

I can't edit my first post so I'll just add this...I'm sure I've posted this elsewhere but eh...I don't ever get tired of talking about my wife's pussy.

So yes: it's been fun and exciting watching my wife's attitude about her pussy being seen change over time.

When he first started in nudism, her pussy was rarely seen. There'd be a "slip" here and there while moving around, but it'd be "blink and you miss it" moments. At the time she was hairy, and wasn't particularly proud of her pussy's appearance (she has "big lips" that are further apart than "normal", and she gapes when her legs are open). So she tried her best to keep it out of sight.
Then there was the "paddle-boarding incident" at the nudist venue that I've often mentioned. In a nutshell she fell off the paddle-board and decided to sit and straddle the board; basically spreading her pussy open. That would be the first time her pussy was fully open in plain view of everyone. It started out unintentional, but then she enjoyed it. That would be the beginning of her change in attitude.
Another time we were tanning privately and she decided to relax and spread open. She'd dozed off before she realized she'd been fully exposed the entire time as people walked by. But it was still "accidental."

As we became more social at our current resort, she started becoming aware that the more she was relaxed and enjoying herself, the more people were going to end up seeing her pussy, incidentally. And we now had female friend who tanned and socialized with their bald pussy visible. We actually had some talks about it. I reassured her that her pussy looked great and she should have no hang-ups about it; even if her pussy visually "stood out" from the others'. And so she started focusing more on her pussy's appearance. She started shaving bald. The lack of hair made her pussy lips "stand out" more; and she ended up liking the way it looked. I'd previously take a picture of her naked and bent over, and she was able to see how her pussy lips looked from behind. She looked at it and liked that the "look" of her lips showing
just a bit.
That summer she "introduced" her "new look" at our resort; still a bit hesitant about people being able to now clearly see her entire vulva. We went to the far side of the resort so she could acclimate to being completely bald; when a friend dropped by and "caught her" with reclining with her legs open. She decided to keep them open when he saw her. And she was comfortable with him seeing her bald and open. When the rest of the group joined us, my wife was quite proud of the fact that she now felt comfortable with her pussy being as visible, and looking as good as our female friends'.
Now, sometimes I see her checking her pussy while applying sunscreen to her inner thighs. She'll tug on her clit hood just a little bit so her pussy slips are slightly parted. She likes the way it looks and feels.

My wife was already proud of her tits when we first started out, as they're smallish, firm with protruding nipples. Adding her pussy to the parts she likes about herself contributed greatly to how comfortable she is naked around other people.

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RE:Nudist women

I've found that in the nudist world, there are several "types" of women when it comes to exposure. Women who feel the pussy should be "kept private", those who feel it should be exposed (especially for tanning); and those that don't pay too much attention to whether their pussy is exposed or not.

I think that my wife falls into your third category. She is usually somewhat modest and discreet when she is sunbathing at our nudist club. (Yes, a woman can be modest and discreet even when she is stark naked.) She likes having her entire body exposed to the sun, but she doesn't deliberately lie by the pool with her legs spread wide apart or behave in any way that could be considered to be more blatant or suggestive. She appears confident and natural and maybe even innocent in her appearance. I find that very sexy and probably wouldn't like it so much if she were blatantly exposing herself. An exception to this is sometimes when we are at the dances in the clubhouse. That is her opportunity to be a bit more suggestive. So far as trying to figure out the motivations of women other than my wife, I think that is a lost cause. LOL.

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