Pierced Genitals

Group for those with pierced genitals. both male and female. Also for those who admire those piercings.

what do you think when some one ask about your piercings

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RE: piercings

I welcome people asking about my piercings. It is always a great way to begin chatting.

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RE: piercings

Yup, I agree.... piercings are a great conversation starter. Whether to compare, learn or explain... it's all good. If there were more of those types of conversations, there would be less ignorance, less stereotypes, and greater understanding. I guess that applies to life in general, too!

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RE: piercings

In for a penny ... I agree, the piercings, like tattoos, are a conversation starter. If someone wants to come up to me and start directing rude comments to me about what I have chosen to my own body then they can preach to the hand...

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RE: piercings

I agree. They can be a great conversation starter. If they ask about mine I might just risk boring them with a too detailed answer. I've had ladies comment that they wouldn't/couldn't do that. Then I notice they have pierced ears. Maybe nipples and genitals are seen as more sensitive.

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RE: piercings

In the last month I've had two queries. In Austria a man asked what a PA is. So I showed him mine. He cringed with anticipated pain. Then in France a cook asked for advice on a PA for her boyfriend. I showed her mine and we discussed it at length.

So, it looks like I'm pleased when asked about my piercings.

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