Nude Sunbathing/Suntanning

Anyone that enjoys nude sunbathing or suntanning outside.

UK Sunshine - and hotspots

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As I look out on snow topped hills (in May) and feel the chill of the wind, I can't believe it will soon be hot enough to be naked. I can't wait to travel south and have a couple of days in Brighton (on the rooftop of Bristol Gardens and maybe even the nude beach). Where else do people go, and who has a sheltered garden that is just needing a few naked bodies to set it off nicely.

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RE:UK Sunshine - and hotspots

Studland must be worth a visit! The sand under your feet (rather than pebbles) one big plus point. The dunes also a key aspect making it so beautiful

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RE:UK Sunshine - and hotspots

Here here

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RE:UK Sunshine - and hotspots

Have been nude at Studland (briefly!) this year. Normally visit Weston Mouth in Devon several times. Also hope to visit other south coast beaches this summer.

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