Nude Sunbathing/Suntanning

Anyone that enjoys nude sunbathing or suntanning outside.

Definitely suntanning weather today....sunny and 99 degrees. Have a great Nude day...

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Sunshine Sunday...

Hope everyone gets outside and enjoys this hot sunny weather a lot of us are having...

Welcome to all the new members....

A welcome to all the new members that joined recently. Feel free to post your pictures or comments. Have a great Nude day....

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Happy July 4th Weekend....

Hope everyone has a great July 4th weekend and are able to get out and get some sun. Have a great Nude weekend all....

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Weekend 6/19

Hope everyone is able to get out and get some sunshine....Have a great Nude weekend all....

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Rainy weather....

I wish this weather would cooperate and quit raining down here....

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Memorial Day weekend...

Hope everyone is able to get outside and get some sun this weekend. Feel free to post those pictures. Have a great Nude weekend all....

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Another welcome to all the new members...

We continue to add members almost daily...welcome all. Now get your nude tan on....

UK Sunshine - and hotspots

As I look out on snow topped hills (in May) and feel the chill of the wind, I can't believe it will soon be hot enough to be naked. I can't wait to travel south and have a couple of days in Brighton (on the rooftop of Bristol Gardens and...

Welcome to all the new members....

A quick hello to all the new members that have joined recently and remember to get your tan on.