Nude Photography

This group is for those who like to put some thought into how pics are taken and/or photo effects.

I hope that ladies will feel comfortable...

I am delighted that we have a M/F couple in the group, but I hope that we get women in the group as well. Of course, I like to see women's pics; however, I enjoy a woman's opinion as well.

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I want to thank PeterNicholas for uploading his heroic pic (as he aptly described it in his profile), and I want to show appreciation for Ollygrump for becoming a moderator.

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Does anyone know how to change the main pic...

Trueswingers seems to be different than Truenudist in the way that the main pics are selected in the groups. Please let me know if you can help me to change the pics on the groups that I moderate--at least on this one.

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Nude and/or Erotic pics can have an artistic...

It is fun to put extra thought into some pics.

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