Nude Housework

This group if for people who would like to go round to other people's homes to do thier household chores in the nude and to be watched

Doing housework naked makes me happy and I get more done. I love the freedom and the naughtiness of my neighbors having no idea Im naked. I keep a dress behind the front door in castI have to answer it but I just play jazz and clean TOTALLY NAKED.!

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RE:Nude Cleaning

Love that

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RE:Nude Cleaning

I do the same thing! And dont mind helping others out with some naked housecleaning!

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RE:Nude Cleaning

I love to do it that way too. But last week my wife was put off. She just said "Remember . We have neighbors".
Not a problem inside.

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RE:Nude Cleaning

Seems cleaning goes faster and is much more enjoyable done naked.

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