Who loves masturbation or self abuse.

How do you masturbate?

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Hi I'm Barry. Many sources extol the benefits of masturbation: reduce stress; improve muscle tone in the anal and pelvic areas; reduce the risk of prostate cancer; reduce menstrual cramps and muscle tension; improve self-esteem:
Masturbation: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Myths, FAQs (
10 Benefits of Masturbation - How Masturbating Boosts Your Health (
17 Benefits Of Masturbation: Why Masturbating Is Good For You | mindbodygreen
Masturbation: Facts & Benefits (

I like to masturbate in several phases at an unhurried, leisurely pace. I take at least half an hour altogether. When watching others masturbate, I notice that they work more vigorously on their penises or clitorises than I do on my penis, and less on their bum cheeks and holes. I like to masturbate in a position where all my erogenous areas - bum cheeks, hole, testicles and penis - are easily accessible, such as on my parted knees (all fours). A high proportion of my orgasms have been solo, but sometimes I have had a friend to help. Three or four hands can be useful to reach all my erogenous areas at the same time.

I try to get penis control (ability to move it up and down and side-to-side without touching it) as soon as possible. I find that this makes my semen start to swill around my bollocks even before touching my shaft.

First is mental preparation. Imagination is so important to me. I think about things which arouse me. I get considerable stimulation from visual sources. The Internet gives a wide choice. I find that to get the best effect I have to use my imagination - what is the model likely to be feeling? What might be going through her mind? Women wearing sensible full-cut panties, bare breasts often arouse me: here the visual and sense of touch meet as I imagine the soft material of their knickers caressing their cheeks. Visual contact of the woman with the camera can set off a chain of thought in me: her tense smile, flushed cheeks and erect nipples reveal her erection, perhaps orgasm; discharges from her vagina and nearby glands are soaking into the gusset of her knickers stimulating my imagination of their musty scents. Thongs on big bums turn me on as I imagine the stimulation in my bum crevice and hole.
For me, the senses and my imagination work on the erogenous areas covered by my knickers - my penis, testicles and my bum, both my anus and my cheeks. My knickers have been so important for me in arousal: Incontinence wear
I have never been greatly aroused by massaging or kissing my nipples, or touching other parts of my body such as my back, ears or neck, although I understand that some men are.

Next I work on my bum. I stroke my shaved cheeks, play with my smooth hole, using a mirror. I like to take it gently, fondling my cheeks and stimulating my bum hole which, ever since puberty, has played such a big part in masturbation for me. I poke my finger about 2 inches up my arse hole to touch my prostate gland just below my bladder on the forward side of my back passage. Prostate Massage: What is It, Benefits, How to Do It | Ro Man

I understand that the G-spot or Skene's glands has a similar erogenous effect for ladies.
The G-spot is the female prostate - American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (
I try to make my penis as hard as I can. I always keep this exposed by lodging my foreskin under the overhang. Keeping my foreskin rolled back keeps me erect or nearly so for part of the day. If I need help to harden my erection I squeeze the base of my penis gently to find the locations of the veins draining blood out of it. By restricting the outflow my penis becomes more engorged with blood and hardens.

I have found that practising yoga in the nude helps too. It is very good for exposing the anus and displaying our genitals. Masturbation Support Groups Online | DailyStrength

Then I gently squeeze and fondle my testicles in my shaven bag.
I stroke my penis shaft and play with the veins at the base to reduce the outflow of blood and to make a harder erection. I flick my foreskin forwards and backwards over my glans. I feel my semen swilling round my bollocks, up and down my penis ... I hold back and relax ... my semen returns to my testicle bag ... I play with my prick shaft and knob end ... I repeat this several times (edging) until I can no longer hold back. A burst of ecstasy surges throughout my body ... a surge of spasms makes my bum hole tingle ... I come to orgasm and ejaculate, often 3 or 4 times ... each squirt is followed by a few seconds relaxation, then I come again, and again ...
Sometimes I can't go through all these stages: in fact, when I was younger, sometimes I would come to orgasm soon after stripping naked, without even touching myself.

How does this compare with your preferences?

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