Who loves masturbation or self abuse.

Have you ever cum with having a hard on? When I was in Basic Training back in the early 70's I noticed that I had not had an erection the entire time I was in training. Before that I was almost a walking hard on. I would get several a day. One day my Drill Sargent pulled me out and sent me to some kind of meeting. I got back to the barracks while everyone was still drilling so I thought I would see if I still had it in me to get hard. I went into a bathroom stall and started to jack off. Before I even got half way hard I shot the biggest load I think I ever had. More recently I have started prostrate massaging and have cum several times from that without being hard. It is a different sensation and I find it enjoyable. Sometimes the cum just flows out in one steady stream, but other times it will squirt out but not with as much power as when I have a hard on. I prefer to cum with a full blown hard on but this way is also nice. Anyone else ever experience this?

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RE: Cum when soft

I can't get hard, had prostate cancer and had it removed along with the seminal vesicle. I masturbate with a soft cock and can orgasm just as I did when hard, but no cum either. Still feels good.

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