Married, Spouse Isnt Into

For anyone who is a nudist and their spouse is not into.

Few questions for you

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Few questions for you

Hi all -
Just a few questions for the members here -
1) Does spouse know you are a nudist?2) Where do you spend most of your time nude?3) Have they given a reason they don't want to be nude too?4) Do you hang nude with others or solo?5) Is sexuality a part of your nudity? If so what?6) How long have you been a nudist?

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RE: Few questions for you

I am new to being a nudist. I go nude at home some and like to go swimming nude in our pool at night. My wife knows but isn't real comfortable with it. Mostly she is paranoid that someone may see, we live in a very small rural community. She doesn't want to be nude for several reasons, body image is high on the list. I have not had the chance to hang with friends nude yet, but would like to. It seems that even nudists couples are very reluctant to befriend a male without his spouse. Sexuality can definitely be a part of my nudity, but not always.

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RE: Few questions for you

Few questions for youHi all - Just a few questions for the members here - 1) Does spouse know you are a nudist?2) Where do you spend most of your time nude?3) Have they given a reason they don't want to be nude too?4) Do you hang nude with others or solo?5) Is sexuality a part of your nudity? If so what?6) How long have you been a nudist?1. Yes my wife does know that I'm a nudist and had at one time gone to nude campground with me.
2. Most of my time nude is at home however I do go to nude beach as much as possible when weather permits, as well as a B&B in PEI where I'm nude from time I arrive until I leave.
3. No she hasn't given me a reason as to why she no longer will go nude with me or even have sex as far as that goes.
4. Yes I meet others at the beach and have attended a few nude gatherings.
5. Sexually isn't a big part of my nudity, however it does go hand in hand at times. But nudity doesn't mean you have to have sex as well.
6. I've been a nudist for about 18 years now and still enjoy it as much as the first day.

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RE:Few questions for you

Wife knows Im nudist.
She does not go nude with me as she hates it. She has become verrrrry vanilla over the years.
I have had nude friends over when wife was away and been to nudist beach and Clive without her or her knowing.
Sex is not paramount in nudist activities, Burt I t does cum up at times.
Been a nudist for many years

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