Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

Exhibitionist Camper

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Randy liked to go wilderness camping every summer. He stripped off his clothes first thing after setting up camp on this one trip and went for a walk along a ledge above the water. He looked across the river to see two guys sitting on the shoreline watching him. People dont realize how well their voice travels across the water. Randy heard them talking about what they would like to do to him.

The one man asked if he could hear him. Randy turned toward him to let him know that he could. He then said he would like to see him jerk off. Randy stood on the rock ledge stroking his cock while they watched.

Every once in awhile he would take a walk along the rock ledge and put on a show. The two men would always be watching him like a television set even when he went back to his tent or went in for a swim.

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RE:Exhibitionist Camper part 2

One time he walked on the ledge fully dressed. He did a strip tease taking his clothes off slowly and throwing them on the ground. He sat on the rock ledge suntanning. He could see them looking at him from behind the trees unaware that they were photographing him.

The next day, early in the morning, He went out paddling his canoe in the nude. He had forgotten about the two men. He paddled along the shoreline close to where they camped. As he passed close to their campsite he heard one of them say good morning to him. Randy stopped to talk to him. He invited him into their camp. Randy wrapped a towel around himself because they were both fully clothed.

They told him their names were Jack and Bob. The two were probably in their late fifties or early sixties more than twice as old as Randy. He stood near their campfire talking to them when he felt Bob reach up under his towel and feel his ass. He started to get an erection. He pulled off Randys towel and threw it away. He said he wouldnt be needing it anymore anyway. Randy wondered if Bob might have bad intentions, He wondered if they would even let him go. He placed his other hand on top of Randys head and pushed him down until he sank to his knees.

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RE:Exhibitionist Camper part 3

Jack stood in front of Randy with a bulge in his pants, He lowered his pants letting his enormous 8 inch cock out for air. He touched it to Randys lips which he put over his teeth. He opened his mouth and let it in. He enjoyed sucking it. He wished he could really bite into it and eat it like a huge banana. He liked licking the head of his cock with his tongue and how it felt in his mouth sliding back and forth. Jacks knob started to throb as if he were getting ready to cum. Sensing the opportunity, he pushed his mouth as far down the shaft of Jacks cock as he could until the head of his cock touched the back of his throat. He ejaculate into his throat. He drank it all. Jack didnt seem to want to take his cock out of Randys mouth.

Bob pulled out a wooden dildo he had carved out of a tree branch earlier. He put a condom over it and cover it with lubricant. He pushed it in and out of Randys anus with pleasure. He asked him if it felt good. He told him the real thing feels better. He got behind Randy and pushed his hard cock way up his rectum and left it there while he caressed his ass with his hands. He began thrusting his cock in and out until he ejaculated.

They set down around the campfire afterwards. Both of them took turns sucking Randys cock. They sucked back a few beers as well. He spent a couple of hours with them. They liked watching him walk around in the nude and feeling him up. He got them to help spread sun tan lotion all over his body before he returned to his campsite.

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