Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

Kevin went for a walk one evening on a forest trail. A pleasant breeze blew across him. It made him feel like stripping off his clothes.

He stood in a clearing beside the trail stroking his cock. A light rain started. It made him fill even more aroused as the raindrops caressed his skin.

He knew it would only be a matter of time before someone showed up. He had read on an Internet website that this is a cruising area where guys meet for sex. The posting said to wait by a large rock at this location if you wanted a blow job.

Twenty minutes passed before he heard someone approaching. A man turned into the clearing. He seemed startled to see Kevin at first but he had obviously been here before because he wasted no time lowering his pants revealing his huge hard cock. Kevin got down on his knees and sucked his cock eagerly while he stroked his own cock. The man ejaculated in Kevins mouth and all over his face. He licked the cum off his lips.

He didnt realize it right away but they had an audience. Three other guys stood nearby watching while stroking their cocks. They moved towards him surrounding him. Kevin took turns sucking each of their huge dicks. They covered his tongue and face with cum.

It started to pour rain. They went home. Kevin returned to the cruising area many times and sucked many dicks.

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RE:Trail Mix

mm Hot

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RE:Trail Mix

This is SOOOO hot. Want to do this

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RE:Trail Mix

This is SOOOO hot. Want to do this

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RE:Trail Mix

Oh what a great spot to go to. I have been to our own area, for the same treatment.

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