Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

Stranger on Airplane

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Last Spring I went to visit my sister in Florida. Over 1000 miles, so I decided to fly. There were 2 seats in the row my seat was in. Mine was on the aisle. The other seat was empty, but a couple minutes later a strikingly handsome tall African American man stood in the aisle next to my seat. He looked at me with a friendly smile, revealing his beautiful white teeth surrounded by thick lips. I couldnt help but stare. Then I looked down to see his crotch was only inches from my face. He had on casual pants that left little to the imagination as to his large manhood. I swear when I was looking at it, it moved. I realized was staring at a strangers crotch and then stood up to let him get to his window seat. Once he was seated he introduced himself and reached his hand to shake mine. He had a warm and firm handshake. His hands were large, but comparable to his body. Im guessing he was 62.
We talked off and on during take off and then when in flight. Once the seat belt sign went off, he unbuckled his. When he did I looked as this crotch again and I swear his cock was bigger. It was obviously straining against the material of his pant leg. I think he caught me looking, because when I looked up at his face, he smiled and winked. Embarrassed, I just smiled back.
We continued talking about work, hobbies, etc. His legs were spread wide and his knee was touching mine. As he talked, he rested his right hand on his right thigh next to his bulging cock. Then he started slowly moving his fingers up and down the shaft. As he did, his cock pulsed and then grew longer. I couldnt believe what I was seeing. My eyes were now fixed on his crotch. We were both silent. Now he started putting on a show. Stroking his shaft thru the cloth of his pants and occasionally squeezing it between his thumb and forefinger. All this time his cock continued to grow in length and width. I could only imagine that the constriction would soon be painful.
Then he leaned closer to me and whispered do you mind if I open my pants to give my dick room to breath? I was shocked and didnt know what to say. We were on an airplane with other passengers. I looked to see who might have a view of his crotch. The couple across the aisle from us were both sleeping with their seats slightly reclined, so they wouldnt see him. The person in the aisle seat in front of them was talking to her seatmate and looking at a magazine. So it appeared no one would see my seatmates cock if he opened his pants. I finally said fine with me. I hate to see you uncomfortable for the remainder of the flight. As he said thanks, he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. I was surprised that he wasnt wearing underwear. From how well I could see his cock through his pants, I didnt imaging there was underwear being worn. Once unzipped, I could see the part of the shaft and his pubic area. His pubic hairs were neatly trimmed into a triangle shape.
Now he reached into his right pant leg to get ahold of his dick and pull it out of its confinement. It took some pulling, but inch by inch by inch it was revealed until the mushroom head was brought into view. Holding his cock, he pulled his plumb sized balls out to rest on top of his pulled down pants and then lay his cock between his legs. His cock was a thing of beauty. Not fully erect yet, but long and thick and a beautiful dark color. Im guessing it was 8 inches. Now that it had room, it started growing again. Moving from between his legs to his left thigh (next to me) and then slowly growing and moving towards his abs. My heart was racing, Id never experienced anything like this. Id seen my share of cocks, but not in a situation like this. It was a huge turnon and I too was getting an erection. Within a couple minutes his cock was fully erect, hovering over his lower abs, pointing towards his chest. I just stared in amazement. He whispered what are you thinking? I was hesitant to tell him, but then I didnt see how it would matter now. I replied Im thinking you have one of the most magnificent erections Ive ever seen in person. He grinned, again showing his beautiful white teeth and said Im glad you like. He then grasped my right wrist and lifted my hand up and over to his cock and then placed it on top of his throbbing erection. I could feel heat. For a few moments, I just kept my hand still, enjoying the warmth and feeling his cock pulse against the palm of my hand. Then I grasped his erection mid shaft and gently squeezed it. He let out a moan of pleasure. I took this as a sign to continue as I slowly started stroking him massive manhood. I moved to the head and made a circular motion covering the head with the palm of my hand and then slowly stroked to the base, enjoying feeling his cock throbbing in my grasp. For the first time since hed opened his pants, I looked around to make sure no one was watching. No one was. So I continued stroking his cock from head to base. Then I turned in my seat so I could use my left hand to play with his sizeable balls. He seemed to like this as well. So now I was stroking his erection and massaging his balls. He was leaning against the back of his seat watching my hand pleasuring his crotch domain. I lost track of time, but Im guessing more than 10 minutes passed when he put his hand on mine to signal to stop. He whispered you are getting me close to cumming and Im not sure what to do with the huge load Im sure to evacuate from my balls. I wanted so to make him cum, but didnt know what to do with his load to keep it from covering his clothes. Then I had an idea, what if I sucked him off and swallowed? Everyone on the plane seemed to be quiet and in their seats. So I said to him I could suck you off. He grinned back at me and said Wow, that would be wonderful. But I have to warn you, I have a huge load. So be prepared to swallow for a few seconds. I replied I can use the protein.
I then grasped his cock and pointed it up and towards me, I then leaned over with my mouth open wide. I soon felt the head touch my lips. I pushed my tongue against his big mushroom head, swirling it around and then I started to take his cock into my mouth, inch by inch, until it hit the back of my throat. I could see that I wasnt able to get but 2/3 of it in my mouth. He must have been 9 inches long. I paused and then proceeded to suck his cock, moving my head up and down on the shaft. He put his left hand on my upper back and from the gentle pressure understood that I was doing what he liked. After a couple minutes, he put his other hand on my head and with minimal pressure, pushed my head down on his cock until it stopped at the back of his throat. But with a little push from his hands on my head, I felt the head of his cock enter my throat and once it popped in, the rest slid all the way in until my lips were touching his lower abs. Hard to believe I now had his enormous erection completely in my mouth and down my throat. He let out a gasp once he was all the way in. After a couple seconds, he released the pressure on the back of my head and I slowly pulled back up to the head. I caught my breath and then proceeded to suck and deep throat him. I could feel his cock get even harder. Soon I felt his euretha filled with his cum. His body stiffened and then I felt the first drops of cum shoot into my mouth and down my throat. Then another spurt, this time bigger. Then another and another and another. He wasnt exaggerating when he said he had a huge load. I lost count after 6 spurts. Once they stopped, I stayed still, enjoying his cock still in my mouth. Then I gently sucked it as I pulled it out of my mouth. I sat up and looked over at him. He grasped my hand and squeezed it, showing me how much he enjoyed what Id just done for him.
Within a couple minutes the fasten seat belt sign came on and then one of the stewardesses saying we were approaching our destination and were cleared for landing. My seatmate quickly stuffed his cock back into his pants as the people across the aisle woke up.
Was I now a member of the mile high club?

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RE:Stranger on Airplane

Hot story from all that goes on planes nowdays this could be a new trend

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RE:Stranger on Airplane

Really hot story! I dont know if its fact or fiction but its a great story nonetheless . One of my fantasies :)

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