Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

I used to sit outside on the grass during recess at school and talk to a friend. Jim told me about a game of strip poker that he held sometimes with his brother Brad and another friend Steven. I asked him what the person who takes off all their clothes first has to do. He said they have to stand on the bed and jerk off. He invited me over to play when his parents went out. It seemed interesting to me so I agreed to come over to his place.

We gathered in his bedroom. He said the person with the best hand gets to choose who has to take an article of clothing off. He dealt the cards. He had the best hand. He told me to take off my shirt.

I didn't win many of the hands. One time I won by drawing 4 jacks. I told Jim to take his shirt off. He had another shirt on underneath. What a cheater! I never thought of doing that. I complained but he said that is allowed under the rules.

I lost the rest of my clothing one item at a time - shoes, socks, and pants. Every time the other guys won they picked me to take my clothes off. His brother won the last hand with only a pair of twos. He told me to strip off my underwear leaving me naked.

Jim ordered me to stand on the bed and jerk off. I got up on the bed and stroked my cock. The other guys started laughing. They sat on the floor watching me. I realized they had tricked me. They probably fixed the game. They probably hadn't even done it themselves. I started cumming all over. I shot cum on their faces. They didn't expect that! I got Brad in the eye. He cried, "You bastard!"

I sat back down on the bed and started laughing at them because I had cum on their faces. Jim said that there is one more thing the person who takes off all their clothes first has to do, "He has to suck the other players off."

I replied, "You didn't tell me that so I'm not doing it. Who makes these rules anyway?"

He answered back, "I make the rules. You should have asked what all the rules are. You don't get your clothes back until you do it."

I said, "Give me my clothes back!" I tried to get my clothes but he grabbed me and wrestled me to the bed. The other two helped hold me down.

I lay on the bed with my head hanging over the end. Jim pinned me down by putting his knees on my arms. He pulled his cock out and masturbated.

His brother pulled his pants down revealing his large cock. I refused to open my mouth but he forced me to open it by holding my nose shut with his fingers. I opened my mouth wide gasping for air. He shoved his cock in my mouth moving it back and forth under my tongue. He ejaculated all over my face.

Steven took his turn fucking my mouth. He shot his load all over my face too.

Jim, still masturbating while he watched, asked the other guys to hold me down while he took a turn. They pinned my arms down while he got into position. He shoved his cock deep into the back of my mouth. I started to gag. He thrust his cock back and forth in my mouth until he ejaculated. His cum ran out of my mouth into my nose and all over my face.

Jim brought a mirror and held it over my face. "See what you look like?" he said. A white gooey mess covered my face. "That will teach you to laugh at us."

"Can I have my clothes back now?" I asked.

"Not yet," he said.

"Let him up," Jim told the other two. I sat up on the bed.

Jim sat beside me and put his hand on the back of my head. He pushed my head down between his legs. I didn't feel like resisting any longer. I took his cock in my mouth. He pushed my head down really hard and held me there for a long time while the other two watched. I nearly gagged as his dick entered the back of my throat. He said "See, I told you guys he would suck me off." Finally, he let me up.

"There is one more thing that the one who loses the game has to do," Jim said. "Kneel over the chair."

I knelt over the chair. Jim held a broom which he lubricated with Vaseline and poked it into my ass. He worked it back and forth. He asked me, "Does it feel good? This is why they call it strip poker."

Steven stood in front of me and pulled his pants down. "Now kiss his ass," demanded Jim. "Keep kissing it all over."

Next Brad position himself in front of me. He bent over put his bare ass in my face. Jim told me to kiss Brad's ass all over too.

Brad took the broom from Jim and took a turn working it up and down my ass. Jim got in front of me and lowered his pants. I kissed his ass all over like the other two.

Brad stopped using the broom on me. I thought we were finished but he sat on my back and held me down.

Jim told me to give him a rim job. He said he wanted me to lick his anus not just kiss his ass and then I could have my clothes back.

I told him, "No way will I do that."

Jim said that I had better do it right now because Steven took my clothes and put them in a garbage bag which he put out on the street. The garbage truck would be picking up soon. If I didn't do it, they would make me walk home without my clothes on. Besides, if I didn't he would tell everybody at school I sucked his cock.

He pushed his ass into my face. I stuck my tongue in his ass licking his anus. He moaned. He said, "Hey that feels really good!"

Brad let me up. I ran out to the curb to get the garbage bag back with my clothes in it just as the garbage truck pulled up. I grabbed the bag and ran into the backyard where I got dressed.

The next day at school, Jim came and set with me on the grass at recess. He apologized for letting things get out of hand like that. He said they would be playing Texas Hold'em next weekend and wanted to know if I would come. I said I would think about it. I could never win at strip poker but I got to be really good at Texas Hold'em.

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RE:Strip Poker

I thought it would have ended that you did it again the following day.

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RE:Strip Poker

I would have freaked out back than being in that situation now looking back I would love it

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