Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

I used to walk downtown on my lunch break in high school to the fast food places. This happened at the end of the winter in grade 9. I met a guy from one of my classes named Randy on the way back. We had to cross a stream in the woods to get back to the school. We broke through the ice when we stepped on it and plunged into the stream. We were soaking wet.

We reported to the vice-principal when we got back to tell him we wouldn't be able to go back to class because our clothes were wet. He led us to a room down the hall. He said to take off our clothes and put them in a bag. He said he would take them to the Home Economics teacher to put them in a dryer. We stripped off our clothes down to our underwear and gave them to the vice-principal to take away.

Randy set in the chair across the room from me. I sat in a chair near the door. We told dirty jokes to each other and laughed. It didn't occur to me at the time but someone might have been listening in on the PA system.

A huge bulge grew in Randy's underwear. He slid his underwear down to reveal his hard stiff cock. His cock looked just as good as he did. He told me that if his best friend Bill were here he would be down sucking him off right now. I said, "Let me try."

I got on my knees between his legs. He pushed his cock with his thumbs toward me as I opened my mouth. I took his cock in my mouth and sucked it. I loved every moment of it and so did he. He came in my mouth and all over my face.

I returned to my chair by the door. I pulled my underwear down to my ankles and told Randy to suck me now. The door swung open abruptly. I remained hidden behind the door unknown to the woman who had just entered.

Randy ran and hid behind the desk. The woman demanded to know " What are you doing in here?" He explained to her about drying his clothes. She said "Oh, I see," and closed the door. I sat in the chair petrified.

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