Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

Fantasies and desires

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Waking up naked by your side, with my cock hard, hot and horny.
Observe how you breath, while you are dreaming
Hug you from behind, slightly touching with my hard dick the beauty of your round and sexy ass
Steal one of your kisses, while I press myself against you
Feel how your mouth responses, and kiss me back
while your cock also grows
Then you lie on top of me
feeling our cocks beating together
feeling the soft touch of my hairy chest in your nipples
I am dying to give myself to you
because I know you would do the same
I know that, when I embrace your body with my legs
your hard tool will search on me, between my cheeks
I know you will enter on me
penetrating my ass with your hard cock
my mouth with your wet hot tongue
and also my soul, that is now a prisoner of my desire.
I know you will love me slowly, gently
and then hard and passionate
and I know you will come inside me
while I also explode in your chest and face
I know you will me moaning
I will eat your breath
the feel the weight of your body over mine
will make us swim in oceans of sweat, saliva, semen and tears
I will be yours, completely
and you will give yourself to me
siting in my hard cock and riding me
until I find my place deep inside you
and you feel my humid essence filling you up
We will eat each others
mouths, cocks, nipples, skin..
I know I will fall sleep in your embrace
I know I will dream with you inside me,
I know I will wake up and carry you to the shower
where I will kiss you
and our beautiful wet sexy play will start again.

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