Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

The phone rang. I had not been expecting a call. It turned out to be a friend whom I had been meeting with for car blow jobs over the last few months. I could tell by his excited tone that something special was up.

He said that his parents were away. He had the house to himself. He wanted to know if I wanted to come over and watch porno. I jumped at the chance.

We watched a movie for awhile, which really put me in the mood. He asked if he could tie me to the chair and blindfold me. I agreed, but maybe I shouldn't have.

I sat in the chair for awhile. I heard the door open and close. I didn't think anything of it. I thought he must be making sure to lock the door. Next, I heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down. I open my mouth in anticipation. I felt a huge cock in my mouth. He thrust it to the back of my throat occasionally as I sucked it. When he started to cum he pulled his cock out and ejaculated all over my face.

I heard someone laugh. I thought he said, "My turn." I felt a hard cock press against my lips. I opened my mouth eagerly. I brought him off. This time I swallowed his load.

I heard the door open and close again. He returned to slide his cock back into my mouth. As I sucked him, he undid my blindfold, which fell to the floor. I could see my friend towering above me with his dick in my mouth. I looked him in the eyes which made him chuckle. He had just been kidding me trying to make me believe that there was more than one person in the room or so I thought.

The next weekend he called me over to his house to watch porno movies again. He excitedly put this new movie on the TV. I couldn't believe what I saw. He made a movie of me sitting in the chair sucking three different guys, two whom I didn't know.

He smiled and lay back in his chair. He slid his pants down to reveal his boner. The home movie played in a loop continuously over and over again.

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RE:Home Movie

Sounds like fun to me wish could find someone to do something similar to or with me.

So besides not knowing about the three guys. Was it a turn on? What did you think watching yourself?

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RE:Home Movie

that would be hot not knowing than seeing it on video, back when i was young we didn't have videos

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RE:Home Movie

Was it a turn on? What did you think watching yourself?

Yes. It turned me on. I like anonymous sex.

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