Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

The Calendar: September, Part 1

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I like to fantasize about ways one could meet and have fun with the type of men to whom I am attracted. This is a 3 part story of such a fantasy. One thing I noticed is that I wrote these just a few years ago and now how antiquated the technology sounds. I hope you enjoy.

The Calendar: September, Part 1

Wanted: Photographer seeks heavy set men ages 60-80 as models for novelty calendar. Some nudity may be required. Inquire at 555-1222 to set up personal interview.

I read the ad again as I sat with the newspaper at my studio table. This morning was the first day it had run and I seriously wondered if I would get even one caller. I have had a life long love of chubby men and decided, at age 68, to combine it with my love of photography. There is a large chub chaser community online so I thought I might even make a few extra bucks. Now, all I needed was some models. Although I had spent some time thinking about settings for each month and had the computer programs I needed, I felt that my best results might come from going with the flow of the moment. Now I just needed men.

I finished my breakfast and decided staring at the phone wouldn't help so I went to the Y for my usual swim. I also liked the fact that many mornings I saw some great looking chubby men there. Today was a let down as I didn't see anybody that yanked my crank so got my shower and headed back home.

As soon as I walked in the door, I could hear the beeping of the answering machine. I anxiously went to it and saw that I had missed 4 calls. Unreal, I thought. I wondered if they could all be about the calendar. I quickly grabbed a writing pad and pencil and punched the play button.

The first message was from a bank telling me what a great deal they had on a credit card. That was as much as I heard as I punched the delete button. The next call was the library letting me know my request for Jonathon King's newest book was waiting and would be held for 5 days. That was good but dammit, it wasn't what I wanted to hear.

The next called started with a soft, mellow, "hi, this is Bill and I'm calling about your ad. I'm 70 and pretty fluffy", he said then chuckled. "I'd like to set up a time to talk to you so please call me at..." and listed his number. "Yes!", I thought. I started to call his number then remembered the other message so punched play again.
"Hi", came a voice with a smooth, heavy southern accent. Even though I was in Sarasota, FL, most people had an accent from wherever they had moved...likely from up north. "I just wanted to get some more information on the photographer", said the voice. "I'll call back at 11:30 this morning and see if I can catch y'all." I looked at my watch and saw it was 11:07 so I decided to call back Bill, the first caller.

Bill answered on the first ring and sounded very happy I had returned the call. He said he was around 6 feet and 280 pounds if that was chubby enough. I told him it sounded just right and gave him my address and asked if he could come at 1pm. He said that would be great and asked if there was anything he needed to bring or wear. I asked him to dress as he would have for his work and we would go from there. I loved the sound of his voice and wondered if he would fit my desired image.

I straightened up the studio and gave some more thought to what I might do when the phone rang. I glanced at the clock as I picked up the phone. It was 11:29. "Hmmmm, ready and willing", I thought as I said, "hello".

"Good morning", came the same soft southern voice. "I called a little earlier. My name's Bobby and I wanted to hear about the calendar". I greeted Bobby and told him that what I had in mind was a series of pictures for each month of the year and would try to decide where he might fit in after an interview. I also asked about his size. He told me he was 71 and was 5'8" and weighed 248 pounds. ""some would just say I'm fat" he said with a laugh. I told him that was what I needed. Then he asked why I wanted fat men. I told him that there were many people who found heavy set men attractive. He said his wife never thought that way.

I hoped that he didn't notice the sudden intake of air. "How will your wife feel about you possibly doing this", I asked. "Well, my wife passed away 5 years ago so I guess she won't mind", he replied. I was momentarily shocked by the casual way he had answered and finally stumbled through my condolences. "That's ok", he said. "I shouldn't have said it like that". "She was very sick so we both knew what was coming was a blessing. I loved her when she was here and I think of her everyday, but now my life is for the livin ". We talked a few minutes more then I gave him the address and asked if he could come at 3 pm thinking that gave me plenty of time to interview Bill. He said that would be fine. Before he hung up I told him to wear something like he wore when he worked. He asked if I was sure and I said yes so he just kind of laughed. I asked what he had done and he said he had worked up in Sylvester, GA on a peanut farm so he always wore bib overalls. I smiled to myself and said that would be perfect.

I ate some lunch and set up my Nikon D 60 on a tripod and kept the D 5000 as a hand held. I thought I could use the D 60 for some B & W as well as some septia shots. I really would play it by ear. At 12:56, the doorbell rang.

I opened the door to a smiling Bill. He reached out to shake my hand and stepped into the room. His hair was salt and pepper and his belly hung over his belt in a way I found incredibly sexy. He was dressed in grey slacks with a light blue dress shirt opened at the collar and a navy blue blazer. His moccasin shoes were black as was his belt. "It's nice to meet you Bill", I said. I immediately knew that this man was going to be Mr. September. "Bill, I don't know what you did for a living but I would like to use you to be everybody's favorite school teacher", I said thinking of my own crush on my high school principal and my social studies teacher. "Well, that's a good guess", he replied, "because I worked 32 years at Florida Atlantic University". We laughed at the type-casting and sat down to talk.
He wanted to know right away about the nudity. I said that it did not have to be full frontal but the idea of the calendar was to appeal to the people who enjoyed the chubby male. He explained that he was openly gay but wasn't so sure about the full nudity. I assured him that we would not do anything with which he was uncomfortable.
Bill thought for a few minutes then asked about compensation. I told him that I simply paid a flat fee of $50.00 for models so it wasn't really a money maker as much as a unique experience. He laughed and said it certainly would be unlike any other he had. He agreed and we signed my standard release form and Bill asked when we would start. "Right now, if you can", I said. Bill seemed surprised but then said, "sure, why not".

I explained that I could quickly set up the background screen but I did have some props. I had a lecturn I had gotten at a thrift shop for $7.00 and I thought I could put that in front of him. I asked Bill to just stand behind the lecturn but move around and just talk to me about anything that came to his mind. At first he was stilted and stiff and un-natural so I asked him to just talk about his career. He quickly loosened up and I started snapping some pictures.

I asked Bill to remove his coat which he did as he continued to talk. I moved to him and ask if I could unbutton one more button of his shirt and he said sure. My hands shook slightly as I reached up and slid my fingers inside his shirt and unbuttoned. I could feel his smooth chest and it appeared as if he had little chest hair. I snapped more shots then decided to change the setting. I pulled a chair and a small table over and some folders and asked Bill how he would read student's term papers. He laughed and said not dressed as he was now. "Would you show me", I asked. Bill hesitated then said that he usually read them at home, in his underwear, while sitting on the couch. "Are you willing?", I said as I pointed to my sofa. "I would actually like to photograph you as if you were coming home and getting undressed to read the papers", I said.

Bill looked as if he really wasn't sure but he had also been pretty open to this point. "Glad, I didn't wear a thong", he laughed. I laughed with him but thought to myself that a thong would have been great. I told him to just walk from the door and do what he would normally do. Bill put the folders on one end of the couch and sat down. I couldn't help but notice his pants bulge and made sure I got shots of it. He looked at me then started to unbutton his shirt. He unbuttoned 2 more buttons then pulled his shirt tail out and unbuttoned it all the way down.

His shirt fell open and I could see his pale skin was very smooth and he had small, dark nipples on some very nice man tits. He unbuckled his belt and unfastened the top button before stopping to remove his shirt. My mind is taking this all in through the lens of the camera. I stopped and set the tripod camera to take a shot every 10 seconds then returned to watching him. I could feel my cock begin to swell as I watched this handsome man undress.

Bill's upper body was beautiful and I had to repress the urge to throw down the camera and caress him. He tossed his shirt on the end of the couch then leaned over to remove his loafers. he was wearing sheer black socks and I paused to watch him start to peel each one off slowly. I stopped and ask if he could leave them on. He smiled and said, sure. My cock was getting harder and I was sure Bill could see that. I thought I could also see his bulge grow a little as well.

Bill abruptly stood up and slowly unzipped his pants and let them fall around his ankles. My eyes immediately moved to his tight boxer shorts and could see the front had opened slightly although I couldn't see any pubic hair, I could see skin.

My breathing was starting to get more rapid as this gorgeous man took off his clothes. He picked up his pants and neatly placed them over the end of the couch. "This is how I would usually start reading the papers", he said. I wondered what he meant by "usually start", but said nothing. He sat back on the couch and stretched his left leg out and bent his right leg at the knee and leaned back with the folders. I briefly stopped. taking as many pictures as I wanted to see him without the small view through the viewfinder.

The ball bulge seemed much larger than I first thought and I could definitely see the outline of his cock against the cloth of his boxers. I decided to see how far this might go. "Bill", I said, would you lean back like you had fallen asleep with your hand in you lap?" He gave me a little smile then dropped the folders on the floor and leaned back and closed his eyes. He placed one hand at his side and his other hand rested on the inside of his thigh near his balls. "That's perfect", I whispered. "Now just be alone after a hard day's work and feel relaxed". Again, a slight smile appeared as Bill keep his eyes closed and let his fingers drop against his balls.

I was trying to get pictures and ignore how hard my cock had gotten. I noticed that Bill's cock seemed to also be swelling and had started to move slightly up his stomach. His beautiful belly swelled over his boxers as his fingers moved up to the waist band. Bill seemed to really be getting into the role-playing and I was sure this was going to go even better.

I saw Bill slide first one then several fingers under his waistband. His cock was now straining against his shorts and looked to be very thick. The front opening of his boxers was pulled open and I could see some sparse pubic hair showing. My own cock was straining and I had an overwhelming desire to pull off my clothes. Bill brought his other hand up and slid his thumb under the waistband on the left side. He raised his hips slightly and pushed his boxers down so that the base of his cock and his soft, downy pubic hair could now be seen. His cock was still hidden in his boxers as I continued to snap pictures.

Bill had begun to breath more heavily and moan as he now rubbed over his cock. "Beautiful", I said with a rasp in my voice. Bill once again raised his hips and slid his boxers down until his cock caught and bent then snapped up against the underside of his belly, free for me to see. His cock was probably 5 inches and cut and very thick. I could see a drop of precum glisten on the tip. Bill took his thumb and rubbed the precum on his cock held as he sharply inhaled at his own touch. I leaned forward and grabbed the top of his boxers and pulled them down enough that his big balls flopped out and laid against the side of his leg.

With the tripod camera still snapping pictures I quickly pulled off my shirt and dropped my shorts and leaning forward to lick his huge balls. Bill jumped at the feel of my tongue against him then settled back and groaned. I pulled his underwear the rest of the way down and off his feet. Bill opened his legs and invited me in. I ran my tongue up the inside of his leg and continued right up over his balls and the side of his cock and onto his belly. His cock had little hair around it and it appeared to be natural instead of shaved. By now Bill was moaning and I could feel my own precum running down the underside of my cock.

I moved up between his legs and began to run my tongue around the fat head of his cock. His cock head was thick enough that I had to open my mouth wider to let it slide between my lips. Bill moved around under me as I let his cock slide down my throat. I took him all the way down until my lips were touching his soft pubic hair. I held it there for a few seconds then quickly pulled back off with a great deal of suction then plunged back down again. Bill began rocking his hips and making all kinds of noises so I knew he was getting close. I grabbed his balls and began to stretch them as I continues to slide his cock in and out of my mouth. Just before I thought he was going to cum, I gave his balls a slight squeeze and slowed the movement of my mouth. His body began to shake as he pushed his cock deep into my throat. I started squeezing the inside of my mouth against his cock head as I felt the first warm spurt of saltiness. Bill pushed as deep as he could even though he was already buried all the way inside my mouth. I felt several waves of cum hit my throat as I continued to swallow.
Bill was running his hands over my head and repeating "my God' over and over. Although I had precum running down my cock, I still had not cum and decided I wanted to save it in case my next appointment went as well. I continued to clean Bill's cock with my tongue and Bill fell back on the couch.

I stayed with his softening cock in my mouth and finally got up and sat down at the end of the couch. Bill opened his eyes and told me that he felt great but weak and tired. We both laughed and Bill asked how the pictures would be used. I assured him that none of the later shots would be used. I said I would gladly make a copy of everything for him as well. He thought that was great and asked if I would need to take any more pictures. I gave him a big smile and said, " you better believe it, and dinner is included". Bill gave me a cute grin and said, "you know, I have a good friend that might make a great December".

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RE:The Calendar: September, Part 1

Let me be the first to reply, great story as usual and will be looking forward to the rest.

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RE:The Calendar: September, Part 1

mm hot story $50. and a cock sucking can't a deal like that but darn that 555 number doesn't work. I participated in a nude photo shoot in my 20's for a college student and didn't get $50. nor my cock sucked, awesome story.

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