Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

Another true story that happened a week later

A week has went by since Dean, my high school girlfriends older brother, sucked me off and swallowed my load. For the past 7 days I have jacked off a lot replaying that night in my head.

Dean called me up and asked if I could help him on the farm again on Saturday. Yes i said, hoping I didn't sound to enthusiastic. Saturday morning came, i put on some old work clothes and headed down to his farm.

Today we are building and fixing fences. It was beautiful weather and the longer the day went on the hotter it got. It didn't take long until we were both shirtless, sweat running down our chests and disappearing in to our jeans. Around 2 or 3 Dean started cracking open the ice cold beers. Even though I was only 19 he gladly let me have as many as I wanted.

Darkness started to fall so we packed everything up and went back to his house. We were both covered in sweat, dirt and mud. Dean said we should strip on the porch so we wouldn't get the house dirty. We both kicked off our boots and socks and dropped our jeans. Dean standing there in his tighty whites and me in my maroon low rise bikini briefs.

We went in the house, Dean told me I could go ahead and shower and he would make us some supper. I went in the bathroom, stripped out of my underwear and climbed in the shower. In a few minutes Dean came in and brought me a towel. I could see him through the glass shower doors. He picked up my sweaty, man scent covered underwear and held them up to his face. Then he said he was going to wash everything up.

I finished up my shower, wrapped the towel around me and joined Dean in the living room. Supper was ready but Dean said he was going to jump in the shower real quick. He walked to the laundry room, threw his underwear in the washer then strolled naked to the bathroom.

In a little while Dean came out with his towel wrapped around him. We went to the kitchen to get our supper. We were carrying our food and beers back to the living room and I could feel my towel slipping. My hands were full and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. Just like that, there i stood, bare ass naked in the living room. Well damn, i said. Dean looked at me and said here, i will join you. Just like that he dropped his towel as well.

We sat on the couch, naked, and ate our supper. Both of our cocks were at a constant semi erect state. As the clock ticked by neither one of us made any attempt to cover up or get dressed. Its getting close to bed time so i make my way to Deans bedroom. I crawl my naked ass in to his bed and pull the sheet up over me. In just a few minutes Dean follows behind me.

Dean walks over to the side of the bed i am on and is messing with the clock behind me on the headboard. His semi erect hairy cock and balls are only inches from my face. I open my mouth, lean myself forward and take his cock. I feel him instantly grow inside my mouth as i reach up and cup his balls. He begins to move his hips back and forth, fucking my face.

Dean pulls the sheet back to find me rock hard as i am sucking his cock. He spins himself around and we begin to 69. Dean is on top of me. Thrusting his manhood in to my throat. His mouth is working my cock. Dean lets out a moan and begins to shoot his creamy load down my throat. This wasn't the first cock i had ever sucked but it was the first time i had swallowed another mans cum. Jet after jet of his warm juice flooded my mouth. Dean instantly stuck a finger in my ass and took my cock to the base. His mouth was quickly filled with my juice.

We continued to nurse each other's cocks until they both went soft. Dean climbed off of me and we drifted off to sleep with the taste of cum lingering on our tongues.

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RE:Farming Fun 2

Read two of your stories this morning and they have got me hard as fuck. Desperate the taste of cum now...

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RE:Farming Fun 2

Both these stories are hot as fuck. Did you guys ever fuck each other???

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RE:Farming Fun 2

Yes sir we did. Every Saturday one of us was bent over lol He is actually the one that popped my cherry

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RE:Farming Fun 2

Good work, why limit to one gender hahaha

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