Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

Nude Beach and Beautiful Balls

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It was very early morning, the sun was just coming up. I was on my favorite nude beach in the Caribbean. This particular beach has always had a worldwide reputation for being gay. Almost always, the beach is all male. Rarely a female. That early in the morning, I had the entire beach to myself. I'd been going to this beach for years and knew nobody starts to show until around 10am. But this particular morning, I wasn't alone. I could see somebody out in the water snorkeling. I'm sure he didn't see me. He was too far out. I just continued walking the beach, enjoying the warm breeze covering every inch of my naked body. I'd brought a towel and laid it in the sand to sit and enjoy the serenity of gentle waves across the sand. I was watching the snorkeler getting closer to the shore. He was approaching the edge of sand about twenty feet from me. As he got out of the water, he smiled and waved and I smiled and waved back. He was wearing a brief white tanga. A bit see-thruish and not covering very much at all. I would guess he was Brazilian. Very nice looking young man. I would guess somewhere between 25 and 30. He walked back behind me, to one of the small caves dotting the cliff wall. Some of the caves are tall enough to stand in, lay down and all of them have a comfortable sandy floor. I watched him intently walking away from me. I was thinking to myself... he sure looks delicious in that outfit! It was nothing but a tiny triangle of fabric across that beautiful ass. He went into a cave and disappeared from my sight. I didn't follow. I figured it's best to get some sort of sign first. I sat there on my towel, staring out at the water, when I noticed, he stepped out of his cave and waved again. That was a definite sign. I gave it a few more minutes, trying to keep my erection down and walked to his cave. I peeked around the edge, he was laying flat on his back across a big blue towel. He didn't look up, he must be pretending he doesn't know I'm there. His legs were spread wide. What I was seeing... were two perfect, big smooth as silk, beautiful balls hanging out of that miniscule tanga. They were nice! I'm normally not a 'balls kind of guy', but this particular pair, I couldn't resist. I laid down between his legs and took each ball into my mouth sucking gently and tenderly. I went from ball to ball, listening to his pleasured moans. He seemed to really like the attention his balls were getting from my hungry mouth. Laying there, between his legs, I thought, I bet I can get both of those in my mouth. I did, both big balls at the same time and that was nice. Then, he was squirming, moaning, saying words I had no idea what they meant even louder than he was before. Sucking both of those balls, with his hard cock rubbing against my face... I could feel his body tense, he stopped moving, and then... cum came pouring out of his cock covering my face and into my hair. I sat up, looked at him and he was smiling. He said, nobody has ever done that to his balls before. I told him I never have either! That was a first. I said it helped that you've got the most beautiful balls I've ever put my mouth on.

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RE:Nude Beach and Beautiful Balls

Awesome story.. now Im curious... WHAT BEACH?... WHAT CARIBBEAN ISLAND??

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RE:Nude Beach and Beautiful Balls

Cupecoy, in St.Maarten.

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RE:Nude Beach and Beautiful Balls

Thank u buddy... Ive been to so many Caribbean islands.. I used to work in the Caribbean... but never been to St Martin.. now I wanna go!!!

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RE:Nude Beach and Beautiful Balls

Great fantasy!

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