Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

Sean, a cute athletic male, always seemed to have a smile on his face until he met these guys while riding his trail bike one night. They invited him to a wiener roast. It sounded like fun. He had no idea what they really had in mind because he didn't know them very well. They rode their trail bikes to a secluded area in a field. They parked their bikes and started a fire to cook the wieners.

Sean knelt on his knees in front of the fire watching the flames. Each of the other three guys held a wiener on the end of a stick over the fire. He complained that they didn't give him one.

One guy took his wiener off the stick and held it between his legs hanging out of his open zipper. He moved toward Sean shaking the wiener as if it were a cock. He stuck it in front of Sean's mouth. Sean bit into it hungrily and devoured the whole thing.

The other two guys watched while roasting their wieners over the fire. They held their weenies on long sticks and passed them to Sean to eat. He ate them off the sticks. One guy asked Sean if he would like to try sucking his cock instead.

Sean avoided the question. He realized he might have given them the wrong impression by jokingly pretending the wieners were cocks. Sean only meant to tease. He had never sucked a cock before but had often fantasized about doing it. He didn't think he would ever really do it. He told them he had to get going because he had to be somewhere.

When Sean got up to leave, the three of them surrounded him and held him forcing him back down on his knees. They put a collar and leash around his neck to get a hold of him. They held his nose closed to force him to open his virgin mouth. One guy pulled out his huge hard cock and slid it into Sean's mouth as far as he could. He nearly gagged. They each took turns fucking his mouth. He had never even sucked one cock before but now he had three in his face. Their cocks were far bigger than the wieners and had veins in them. He could feel the shape of each cock in his mouth sliding in and out. He felt cum squirting onto his tongue from their pulsing cocks as they each took a turn. Cum covered his face.

They stripped off Sean's clothes and made him lay down on the ground. One guy grabbed one of Sean's legs while the other guy grabbed his other leg. They lifted Sean's legs over his head putting him into the self suck position. The third guy grabbed Sean's cock and stroked it sometimes sucking it. Sean's cock grew rock hard. One of the guys holding his left leg held Sean's nose closed forcing him to open his mouth. They pushed on his ass until the tip of Sean's cock went into his mouth. Sean finally ejaculated. They let him go and they went home.

Sean got more than he expected at the wiener roast. He thought the wieners were delicious and so were their big fucking cocks. He didn't realize he could get the head of his cock in his mouth until that night. He got to be really good at self sucking as well as blowing other guys.

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RE:Wiener Roast

Loved the story. How i wish I could come across such a group on a walk.

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