Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

My Buddy Just Left

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I have a married buddy who will come over and fuck me and dump a huge load in me and leave. I'm actually okay with that. He's a good fuck and very passionate and we've been doing this for years.

One day, after my buddy had just finished fucking me I got a text from my other buddy. The second one loves rimming my clean, smooth healthy ass and master bate . He is very good at it (he also knows that I love it when he tongue fucks me )and he knew the first guy was coming over so he wanted to rim me after the first guy had fucked me. So I said okay.

The first guy dumped his load and left and the next thing I knew guy #2 was at my door. I hadn't even had time to clean up from the first guys load which was still in my ass. I told second guy that I needed to clean up cause I still had first guys load in me. He said "Oh hell no! I want to suck his load out of you."

He followed me into the bedroom and was completely naked before we even got there. He pushed me face down on the bed and started rubbing his face in my crack and then started licking and sucking on my hole. As he stuck his finger in me, he told me that he could taste buddy #1's cum and wanted more. He asked me if I still had my first buddy's load in me. When I said yes, he asked me to give it to him. The whole time he was finger fucking me and was licking his fingers and rubbing his face on my hole.

What was I supposed to do, say no? I thought it was as hot as hell so I went for it. So, I told buddy #2 to let me know when he was ready because by this time the cum was ready to come out on its own. With his face in my ass (and as he was jacking his big cock) he said "give it to me now!". I did. I expelled that big load and buddy #2 licked and ate every drop and cleaned me up in the process.

The next thing I know, buddy # 2 stuck his big beautiful cock inside of me and dumped his load in me too. And as soon as he pulled out of me he rolled me over jacked me off and swallowed my load as well.

There's a pic of my buddy rimming me in my media. This pic is not from this particular event but he gives one hella rim job. His coming over after my first buddy leaves has become a regular event. Maybe next time I'll video it. MMMM!

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RE:My Buddy Just Left

to share is divine!!!!

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RE:My Buddy Just Left

Well damn!! I wouldn't mind dropping by later and fill u up with a third load budnextdoor!!

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