Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

My Dad, My Hero - Part 1

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, folks. Read it as such!

When I was a boy, my dad and I used to shower together at home. At the time, I didn't know why, but for some reason it was okay with my step-mom. I assume it was in order to show me how to keep myself clean, especially under my foreskin. I remember looking up at him, admiring his body as he soaped up. He had powerful shoulders and huge, hairy arms. His chest was covered with strawberry blonde hair too and was well defined. His nipples looked like those little pink erasers on the end of a pencil only they were darker. His stomach was hairy and rock-hard. His legs were muscular, massive and covered with thick, reddish hair! But his genitals were the thing that stood out the most! He had the biggest, low-hanging balls. The almost smooth, hairless sack seemed to hang halfway down his thighs. His cock was thick and long and cut and it jutted out from a thick, ginger bush. The veins stood out all blue and purple. The head was perfect and pink and smooth. I knew then that I wanted to look just like him when I grew up!

I wasnt a natural athlete as a kid and as hard as I tried at every sport, I didnt seem to be good at any of them. I really wanted to please him and be the jock that I thought he wanted me to be, but I failed each time. He never made me feel worthless though. He always told me that as long as I gave it my all, in the end thats all that mattered.

I grew up going to the Y a couple of evenings a week to swim. Dad was lodge-buddies with the guy who ran the place, so we could stay as late as we wanted. I wasnt a natural in the water either, though. Years earlier, it was our first swimming lesson and it was going pretty well while Dad was supporting my body with his outstretched arms. But as we got further out and closer to the deep end, I started to panic. I started to scream and flail. My dad was there keeping me calm, though. He hugged me tightly as he assured me that he had me and that I was safe. Eventually, I calmed down and went limp in his arms as he walked me up and out of the water. I slept like the dead that night. The next time we went to the pool, it was like pulling teeth to get me near the water. He looked at me calmly and again assured me that he would not let go of me until I asked him to. After a few weeks, it was smooth sailing and over time I learned to swim like Id been born in the water.

One night, when I was about twelve and after everyone else had gone, we were still racing back and forth across the pool. His friend came in and told us that he was leaving for the night and for us to lock up as usual. My dad reached down and slipped his trunks off, throwing them up and over the edge. I followed his lead and did the same. We swam a few more laps and I challenged him to one final race. He won, of course. One more lap then we decided to hit the showers. My Dad turned on two showerheads and began to soap up. I couldn't take my eyes off him that magnificent body! After a few minutes, he said, "Come on, Son, get a move on!" That woke me from my daydream, but I had a raging hard-on! I quickly turned around and showered with my back to him, trying to hide my embarrassment and my boner. After a few minutes, he asked me what was wrong.

"N-nothing, I stammered and kept my back to him.

"Then why dont you turn around?" he asked.

"I c-c-can't," I said sputtering. Then he looked over my shoulder. I was mortified.

He put his hands on my shoulders and spoke directly into my ear. I could feel his warm breath as he said, "It's okay. It happens to every guy now and then."

"But it doesn't happen to you," I remarked.

He replied, "You acquire more self-control as you get older."

"Oh," was all I could say. He leaned over and wrapped his big arms around me giving me a bear hug. I leaned my head back against him and immediately felt better.

"I'm gonna show you how men take care of this." Then he took my hand in his and wrapped it around my cock. He started to stroke it slowly at first. When I got the hang of it, he let go of my hand. I leaned against him as he held me. I beat-off to my very first orgasm. It was quick, but so intense that I thought I'd faint! But Dad was still holding onto me. I collapsed against him, exhausted. A few minutes later, he turned me around and hugged me again. I buried my face in that magnificent hairy chest. I could even feel his manhood against my stomach and I liked it! I didnt want the moment to end.

"So what do you think, Son?" he asked, as if waking me from a dream.

"That was great! Thanks, Dad. You're the best!" I gave him the biggest smile I could muster despite my brain feeling it had turned to mush.

"Let's finish up and go get some pizza. Celebrate you becoming a man."

"O.K.!" I said, excitedly. He let go and turned back to his shower. I looked over and couldn't help noticing that his cock was bigger than usual standing out further from his balls than Id ever seen it. That vision stayed with me for a long, long time. We still went to the Y after that, and we swam nude often, but I tried very hard not to get excited in the showers again. I wasnt always successful, but my dad always made sure I was safe and comfortable around him.

(to be continued)

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RE:My Dad, My Hero - Part 1

What a great story, and a warm, wonderful memory for you. Gee, what I would have done to have my dad around for times like that and to learn from!!

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