Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

Fantasies and desires (2)

Everything start with the caress of my lips in the inside part of your legs. I kiss you while I breath excitation and arousement of your skin. My mouth gets up all the way to your hairy balls. The smell of a hot horny man is intoxicaring. I can feel...

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Fantasies and desires

Waking up naked by your side, with my cock hard, hot and horny. Observe how you breath, while you are dreaming Hug you from behind, slightly touching with my hard dick the beauty of your round and sexy ass Steal one of your kisses, while I press...

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My Dad, My Hero - Part 4

He got the water ready then stepped in. I followed. Just like the old days growing up. When he turned to me and started to soap me up, I was surprised because hed never even done that even when I was a kid. But I let him do it. I tried not to get...

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My Dad, My Hero - Part 3

The next morning, I woke up with a hard-on and was trying to figure out a way to get out of bed without being noticed by my dad. I looked over at him and by the looks of things. he had one too. Good for him! I thought. Then he turned over and put...

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My Dad, My Hero - Part 2

The years passed, and I went away to school. I came out of the closet while I was away. I even experimented with different sexual partners both men and women. Dad and I spent time together when I was in town on break, but there seemed to be less...

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My Dad, My Hero - Part 1

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, folks. Read it as such! When I was a boy, my dad and I used to shower together at home. At the time, I didn't know why, but for some reason it was okay with my step-mom. I assume it was in order to show...

The Stranger on the Couch

Based on a true story Chapter 1 - Morning Coffee I woke up with a start, raising my head and looking around my messy bedroom as I rubbed my eyes. I soon realized that I could have been awakened by the pounding in my head. Too many martinis last...


I met the guy who would become my best friend in the Navy. We were completely. I was the serious responsible go to guy where Mike was more like a force of nature. Easy going, friendly and happy. He annoyed the shit out of me. Worse, we worked 12...

what is ur reaction

have u ever seeu two gays having sex and watch them without they notice ur watch i wish to do that

I was blindfolded

My buddy and I met on another social media. We were both really horny and we chatted a bit before he came over to my place. The door was unlocked and he came in and walked into my bedroom and found me naked, blindfolded and bent over the bed. His...