Lovers Of Anal Penetrated Objects

Members who love solo anal pleasure and have used obscure or imaginative items to use in such erotic enjoyment.

Horse cock replica dildo

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Looking for a big flarred rim toy that really pops a hole on entry. Recommend favorite horse toys?

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RE:Horse cock replica dildo

You can be really creative depending on how deep and how wise you wish to penetrate yourself?

Seems that you want the best of both of both ( and why not)?

Duck tape two dustpan brushes together and use them? You can tape them to a longer implement if you need ultimate penetration!

If this is does not bring forth your ultimate anal cumin let me know and I am sure we can come up with something evened better?

If it is SO good I will try it myself,

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RE:Horse cock replica dildo

You can be really creative depending on how deep and how wise you wish to penetrate yourself?

Seems that you want the best of both of both ( and why not)?

Duck tape two dustpan brushes together and use them? You can tape them to a longer implement if you need ultimate penetration!

If this is does not bring forth your ultimate anal cumin let me know and I am sure we can come up with something evened better?

If it is SO good I will try it myself,

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