Knock Knock - Delivery Guy

Welcome to the Delivery Guy or Girl group. Have you aswered the door naked or near naked for mail or pizza delivery? This is where you can share your experiences, share pointers for a great flash, and add those photos.

I have never opened my door Nude in my life at home. But only at my nudist camp, in my caravan.

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RE:New to Group

Try it sometime. It can be interesting to see the reaction.

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RE:New to Group

well i usually use the edge of the door to cover me partially but the edge you can see there no doubt im nude, a few times i've been woke in morning half asleep usually by JW and been fully exposed not on purpose , and they are ones who apologize for waking me. also don't ask to hand me a brochure as when i open screen door i need to move from door edge again exposing all of me

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