Knock Knock - Delivery Guy

Welcome to the Delivery Guy or Girl group. Have you aswered the door naked or near naked for mail or pizza delivery? This is where you can share your experiences, share pointers for a great flash, and add those photos.

I was sitting under my patio naked when he delivered a package, was an older guy. I said sorry for being nude, I am nudist. He said each to their own and laughed. I signed for the package and he hung around for a bit to chat.
Another FedX guy delivered and was sitting nude and he goes "Whoa" LOL, set the package down and couldn't get away fast enough.

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RE:The FedX guy


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RE:The FedX guy

I had almost the same this last year. I was naked in the back yard and when I came through the door into my garage a Fed Ex guy was just bringing a package to put in the garage. He saw me and at first started bringing it to me, but when he saw I was naked he just laughed a bit and said he'd just put it down there, and turned and left.

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RE:The FedX guy

were you sporting one of your nice big stiffs at the time ?

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RE:The FedX guy

LOL no I wasn't, was sitting down resting.

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RE:The FedX guy

Yes some of them are cool about it!

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RE:The FedX guy

I found it funny with the second guy, he was fairly young black male.

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RE:The FedX guy

I once had a UPS driver who caught me naked in my backyard and he stripped down and jumped in the pool! It was July in Florida and I was his last drop-off and he wasn't shy.

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RE:The FedX guy

For some reason I was in he front yard nude. It is fairly secluded except from the mailstop. The UPS driver stopped at the intersection to run packages up the narrow road. I saw he had a good view on his way up. Being shy I threw my beige shorts on. He came back and started a brief conversation ... looking down at my shorts for some reason.

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RE:The FedX guy

Ah you should have invited him to get naked with you and let the fun begin! LOL

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