Grower, Not A Shower

This a group for guys who are not that big when flacid, but who grow to a nice size when erect ..! Share some of your measurements with us, what's your size when small vs erect?

Are you proud of your erection?

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Ever just like walking around the house or yard sporting your best prize?
The new group is, "Around the House." We all know that adult activity happens all around the house or in the yard, not just the bedroom. Stories and pictures of you and your lover in locations around the house EXCEPT on the bed! Let's see how creative and how many wild or different places sex takes place in your home! Where did you lick, suck, fuck, eat, grope, grab, snuggle, tug in your home? Come share your stories in "Around the House"

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RE: Are you proud of your erection?

Heck yes, it's fun to watch it grow and watch it swing back and forth when I walk. Also enjoy hanging out with other nude people and getting a hard on. Mine leaks even when not hard.

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RE: Are you proud of your erection?

Heck yes, it's fun to watch it grow and watch it swing back and forth when I walk. Also enjoy hanging out with other nude people and getting a hard on. Mine leaks even when not hard.Me too...!!! I have tons of precum, which I like a lot!! Produce my own lubricant!

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RE: Are you proud of your erection?

Yes. Who isn't? (especially as a grower)Mine gets twice as long and 20% fatter when it's erect. So it's a no-brainer. I'm not ashamed of it when limp and small so I'm definitely proud of it when erect and bigger.

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RE: Are you proud of your erection?

Of course we all are proud of our bones.

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RE: Are you proud of your erection?

Hell yes I am very proud of mine. My medications don't let me enjoy a nice hard on very much.I take them later in the day so I can walk around and enjoy it and for being on cam also,I like to show it hard .

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RE: Are you proud of your erection?

i'm ok with mine out of my friends mine is the smallest but i'm the only smoothie so when i'm hard it's not hiding behind a bush like most. at camp i walk around alot with a half erect penis which is kinda cool.

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RE: Are you proud of your erection?

Ever just like walking around the house or yard sporting your best prize? The new group is, "Around the House." We all know that adult activity happens all around the house or in the yard, not just the bedroom. Stories and pictures of you and your lover in locations around the house EXCEPT on the bed! Let's see how creative and how many wild or different places sex takes place in your home! Where did you lick, suck, fuck, eat, grope, grab, snuggle, tug in your home? Come share your stories in "Around the House"You have a beautiful cock. I'd love to suck that.

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RE: Are you proud of your erection?

I love having a boner, it feels so good. My balls always feel so good also when I have a boner, as they are tight and so sensitive. I like to answer the door with a boner when the Deliveryman, Mail person, Jahova witness, Gas meter reader or whoever cums to the door, a lot of these people keep looking at my cock and balls, despite trying not to let me see that they are looking. I like to stroke myself often throughout the day keeping it hard. Usually I will drip precum a lot, which I either massage back into my cock and balls or lick off my fingers.Are you naked (as well as having a boner) when you answer the door?

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RE: Are you proud of your erection?

Yep. I've learned over the years that I'm just a bit on the big side, for which I'm thankful. A bit on the thinner side but almost perfectly straight. Love showing it off, especially in the locker room or sauna. It always gets a nice comment or two.

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RE:Are you proud of your erection?

So proud and love being comfortable to show freely. Having a penis is deeply party of who I am. Showing it erect says I am virile and love sex but also that my penis belongs in the world. We should celebrate these erections. No shame. Just admiration. Love seeing others hard n proud. Always ready to give service too.

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