Grower, Not A Shower

This a group for guys who are not that big when flacid, but who grow to a nice size when erect ..! Share some of your measurements with us, what's your size when small vs erect?

Being a grower in a public shower, locker room, etc.

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I was wondering how other growers felt about being naked in a public shower, locker room, or other social type nude situations. I've been a home alone nudist for years but haven't explored social nudism(nude beaches, resorts, etc.) and have alsoavoided being naked in gym showers and the like because of being a grower. See while I'mquite large(right at 8 inches) when erect it's totally different when I'm flaccid. I can range from a normal4 1/2 inches to a very tiny acorn sizecockdepending on many factors like temperature, nerves, self conscious,etc.And I can almost guarantee it will be shriveled up as small as it can be if I have to get naked around others. It's very irritating because I would like to be able to walk around naked without my flaccid cock trying to turtle back up inside me. Does anybody else have this problem? If so do you have any tips on keepingmy penis fluffed up so to speak while I am flaccid. I would truly like to find a way to actually be a little more of a shower so that I would feel more comfortable being naked in social type settings. I'd appreciate any advice you can give.You can message me directly if you like since that might be an easier way to communicate.Thanks,Chris

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RE: Being a grower in a public shower, locker room, etc.

Yes, I understand your concerns because many men know nothing about the grower/shower issue. Most men see other men flaccid and never get to see a boner up close so they assume there are huge differences in cock size whereas the truth is, according to research, 90% of men are around the same length when erect. Exercise like working out in a gym further exacerbates this issue because most men shrink after an intense workout. One of the things that may boost confidence is taking about 1000mg of L-Arginine every day or at least before going bare. It's an amino acid that increases blood flow to boost work out efficiency. It makes your dick a bit fuller flaccid, harder and bigger during sex, and the effect stays after ejaculation. It also improves the appearance of hair, skin, and nails. Just avoid taking it with aspirin because it may lead to a cascading effect such as nosebleed or excessive gum bleeds when brushing. Dont take it if your are having a surgical procedure orsomething where bleeding might be an issue.Another things that works but is more complicated is medication like Flomax for increasing urination flow and dealing with enlarged prostate. The day after you take it you have a bigger hang. A lot of middle aged guys that take it regularly or as needed notice this but don't talk about it much. Again there may be other issues with these meds. Personally, the arginine does it for me. I use it on and off so my body doesn't get dependent on it. As we get older though we do care less, and as nudists we should not judge other people's bodies. Its one of the things always on the back of grower's mind though.

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RE: Being a grower in a public shower, locker room, etc.

I have no problem going naked. I am not there to impress some guy. My favorite place to go is a Korean spa cause I look average flaccid there. But you do learn that not all men are created equal. What is funny is I have been to 2 Korean spas and got hit on by 2 bi guys. Was able to jack a guy when I was in Spa World in Centreville VA.

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RE:Being a grower in a public shower, locker room, etc.

Being uncut and a grower has certain challenges. There are times when the foreskin can tighten and actually push back your penis making look smaller, like when there's a chill or if one is nervous. I've found that some uncut men retract their foreskin for long periods or when being nude in public to minimize this. In additional to feeling more stimulated, being retracted allows the penis to hang lower and fuller and prevent shrinkage that might occur. The stimulation tends to give you a semi. This is an option for you uncut guys. On the other hand, its good to know that I can allow my foreskin to cover my glans if im out hiking nude or are for a long period at the beach. It feels protected.

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RE:Being a grower in a public shower, locker room, etc.

The best way is to not stress over it. Stress shrinks penises. See David by Michelangelo. Temperature, looser underwear, kegels and stroking it full of blood from base to tip as a daily routine.

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RE: Being a grower in a public shower, locker room, etc.

it was sweet anguisg. my nude swim haa gang showers it's great to enjoy again.

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RE:Being a grower in a public shower, locker room, etc.

Hey Man, I'm a grower too my cock flaccid really shrinks, and grows to a very decent size and curved shape, never meausured hard but it's a M/L , however I was self concious too, until a few years ago that I started seeing nudist guys and my first time in gay saunas I saw some really sexy big men naked with a small soft cock completely comfortable and seemingly proud and confident being naked showing those little floppy balls and cock and then I became so turned on by seeing how sexy and manly that image was and how much it turned me on and I realized that I was the same, now I find a small soft cock the sexiest kind and seeing a guy showing his is the sexiest and I love having fun with mine when it's soft as well as showing it (asyou can seeonmypics) it makes me feel sexy and now I just love it and to me a soft small,cock is the sexiest kind!
Armand x

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RE:Being a grower in a public shower, locker room, etc.

Right on and yours is so sexy.

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RE:Being a grower in a public shower, locker room, etc.

hey mate, i go from about 2" to about 6 1/2". it used to concern me in a locker room but now i like showing off my little guy....other blokes seem to join in as well

Absolutely! I coudn't Agree more with you mate, I am too a grower and really love showing off my little softie and in my case I do love liitle cocks and I think they are the sexiest.
Never been a fan of hard ones( other than for the actual function of penetration and ejaculation) and never felt aroused by a big hard cock but quite the oposite, but that's just personal taste, now in Reality having a massive cock does not make anyone a better lover, or Manlier Man, or a person of power and influence, neither does it actually do anything remarkable as far as I am concerned, In sex the most important organ is the brain, in society and life it's the same. yet we think we should worry or feel shame about the size?, that's just yet another one of those senseless primitive conditioning attitudes...
So not only do I love small cocks or feel really sexy showing mine off but feel even sexier and prouder when I walk about uncovered non nonchalant challenging the norm, I remember the first times I saw naked guys Manly and sexy walking about with their little cocks bouncing about, I realized that confidence was the sexiest thing and it gets sexier! here's mine too

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