Gay / Bi Scruff Men And Cum

For all gay or bi men who absolutely love scruff men (hairy and bearded / tatted / pierced / semi clothed) and wanna share cum with them, be it shooting your own cum, wanking over pics or vids of scruff or in real life encounters with a scruff man..! Or if you are a scruff male, we'd love to adore you..!

see have u ever try big C O C K in ur butt while u have gay massage?

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have u ever try big C O C K in ur butt while u have gay massage?once i was home alone and gay friend came to give me hot massage he saw my butt and being hard he got very big tool and he use it while he tried to but it in my butt he made me screem it was real huge and my hole was small so he just buthis hot cum over my butt thats the best part for me

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