Gay Anal Bareback Sex

This is a gay / bi men only group for those of us who prefer the absolute freedom and amazing sensation of condomless man-on-man anal sex ! Post your pics and tell us your favourite barebacking stories !

love to be fisted deep

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i have a buddy who just loves to fist everytime he goes in me its deeper than before, last time he had 4 finger in my 2nd hole trying to open it up..his goal is to go into his elbow, anyone else into this?? either top or bottom lets chat

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RE:love to be fisted deep

I would love to be fisted. A friend of mine can get 4 fingers in only. Hope that someday he can get his hand fully inside!!

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RE:love to be fisted deep

Love being fisted, can take to mid forearm, and would love to be able to take to elbow.

I'd love to. Reciprocal is best. I'm definitely interested in deep anal fisting and I'm hoping that I can get our mutual interests synchronized to open up and gape for each other. So beautiful to fist men

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