Gay Anal Bareback Sex

This is a gay / bi men only group for those of us who prefer the absolute freedom and amazing sensation of condomless man-on-man anal sex ! Post your pics and tell us your favourite barebacking stories !

how old where you the first time ??

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the first time i got fucked in the ass i was 14 barley into puberty and it was my older 17 y/o best friend in the back seat of his car. and i still remember the event as he pulled my pant down and rolled me over so i was ass up and his nice raw uncut cock went in me i cried it hurt but i loved the feeling off all his young cum pumping inside me.....such a great memory, it went on for a couple of years until he married a lady.

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RE:how old where you the first time ??

wow your story is almost exactly like mine. Started off daring each other to get nude. Then touch and before one we were having a good time.

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