
... Or going commando. For anyone who does not wear underwear, even when we have to be clothed.

Arizona freeballing--nothing better

Living here in Arizona seems to be a natural free balling way of life, why not be as free as one can and enjoy life,,,,,course always better naked

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New to this group but not freeballing

I have been freeballing for many years and love it, not sure how long but it's been a long time, I dont own any underwear anymore what's the point. One of the best feeling for me is when I wear thin material loose fitting short shorts were...

Summer freeballing

In hot weather I love to wear a brief pair of this running shorts with the lining cut out. Its the next best thing to being nude. My cock hangs just above the bottom of the shorts and if Im just the tiniest bit aroused things protrude under the...


How do men get comfortable in jeans without underwear or boxers? Sometimes my dick is comfortable without underwear or boxers, but sometimes it like I can't do without them. Anyone else have this problem?

Another reason... like we needed one

I sold a classic '60s VW to a friend last year, and in partial payment I took an almost-classic 1980 Vespa motorscooter. I haven't ridden a cycle of any kind since a navy buddy taught me how to drive one back in the 70s, so this is just my...

Underwear free

I threw it all of my under wear when I turned 18, I'm almost 26 now. Haven't worn any since and wore them rarely before that as well. Anybody else throw them out when they were younger?

Becoming a Freeballing Fanatic

I've always been a casual freeballer, going commando on occasion but not all the time. I love the feeling, especially under jeans. But, I've been nervous about going out without underwear so I usually only do it at home. About three weeks...

Sydney Tradie here

I am a tradie and i free ball every day. Not sure what people think when up a ladder with a hard dick pushing my tight small shorts,but i dont't care ! Love it, just love to be naked and have done naked cleaning for guys

Freeball in skirt

For those of you who are wearing skirts, and obviously freeballing. What size and fabric do you use ? I have been looking at denim ones. I think I want to try one around the house first, like working in backyard and at home. For public use,...

Why I enjoy freeballing

When I have to wear clothes I avoid extra layers. I never wear underwear. I like the freedom for my bits to move, unconstrained within my trousers. Any how it is unhealthy for them to be too hot.