Edging Penis

A group for men who love to edge. Themselves. Someone else. throbbing greasy penis for hours

Hello Gents, New member to the group, I've always enjoyed masturbation whether on my own or with company but can't wait for the orgasm , but recently wondered about edging, prolonging that pleasure so would appreciate any tips,, or someone willing to lend a helping hand ,

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RE:New member

Hi mate. Edging is a passion of mine. I can do it for hours at a time. Ive gotten good enough to ejacukate without having an orgasm, so my semen oozes out, sometimes with one long contraction. Then Ive not had the release, so I can do it again and again, emptying my glands of all my cream.
Its the best

Practice, when you get close to the edge, try and hold it and not go over. When you feel yourself backing down, a few light touches or strokes should get you back near the edge again. Your abdominal muscles will be straining, which feels really good

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