Daring Nudists/swingers

For those of us who are daring, being naked or having sex where we shouldn't

Motorhome parked up

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I find it exciting to park in a carpark for the night in my motorhome and around 06.00 in the morning when its still dark I stand nude in the open door way with a light on just lighting up my nude state and watching the lorry drivers going past. The other week I had a grey car slow right down as he went past and later I noticed him on the carpark.

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RE: Motorhome parked up

You have way too much fun. Wish I could do that too. The closest I came to it was wearing some sheer boxers to the shower at a rest area I spent the night. A group of very wet and cold hunters who just had a miserable week were a bit surprised.

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RE: Motorhome parked up

Ya its so exciting, being in a motorhome you have the excuse that you are getting dressed or changing clothes if you are seen. Mind you you would not be standing in the doorway lol but then I am just having fresh air. Always hoping for some guy to wonder over and chat.

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