Daring Nudists/swingers

For those of us who are daring, being naked or having sex where we shouldn't

Just for the dare try driving naked. It's easy in the heat of the summer when men will drive without a shirt or after dark in the winter. Remember lorry drivers and people in buses and coaches can see down into your car and street lights shine down too. But most people can't see you below the waste (or at all after dark).Some men get turned on and some mastebate whilst driving naked.
I've driven hundreds of miles naked, just for the buz. My last naked drive was on Monday. I'd taken some photos (nude) in the rain. I donned shorts and a top to return to the car but then had to take off my wet clothes for the one and a half hour drive home. For the really daring you can fuel your car naked (see new photo) or park up and pay for the parking while still naked.

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RE: Driving naked

I often drive while naked and had a similar experience at a petrol station. There were long queues at the pumps and I eventually got the chance to cross into a shorter one. I was soon at a pump, jumped out, opened the tank cap and grabbed the fuel nozzle. It was then that I realised that I was stark naked except for a pair of sandals. It was too late to do anything about it so I filled the tank and returned the nozzle. As I did so there was a round of applause from about half a dozen drivers and their passengers.
I just waved my wand, took a bow, put on my shorts and headed for the cashier. Cheeky cow said that I should appear on the stage --- the Liverpool Landing Stage (a large riverside jetty). On my return to my audience, I dropped my shorts, stepped out of them, got into the car and drove, off. I bet that cashier did a slow motion re-run of the cctv coverage!

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RE: Driving naked

Isn't it such a thrill when you realize you are not dressed to the expected norms but feel it is normal to you? I did that at a coffee stand. Grabbed a towel a bit too late. She was cool.

Drove for an hour on a busy 2 lane road yeaterday. Only one policeman passed me as I stood away from the car (and kept going). My first try was aborted when I had to return the car to the mechanic. The second was more interesting since I stopped next to some panhandlers.
Had a nice drive in Idaho. One trucker realized I was buck naked and tried to catch up but traffic got in his way.

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RE: Driving naked

Being naked in cars seems to be catching on. When driving along a secondary road on Wednesday afternoon I stopped at a lay-bye to relieve myself behind the bushes. As I was returning to the car a student-type guy, wearing only shorts, strolled passed without comment. He then stood at the end of the lay-bye, and, as I drove towards him he stuck out his thumb (for a lift). I stoppped and he said he was heading for Southamptom (my destination). He jumped in, again without comment, but within a few minutes he said that he felt over-dressed. I suggested that there was only one solution, so he pulled off his shorts. We remained naked for over an hour before arriving at my flat on the outskirts of town. He accepted my offer of a coffee. I'm thinking of putting a sign on my windscreen/windshield announcing that the driver may be naked.

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RE: Driving naked

I normally drive back from work naked, finally got round to taking a photo which i've uploaded! It's quite difficult using my phone!

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RE: Driving naked

Truck drivers' mates are easier to turn on. They have grandstand views into your car, especially when you open your door at traffic lights to give them the full monty. More than one has unzipped his jeans and waved his cock at me.
An unfulfilled ambition of mine is to drive naked in an open-top car, and by chance a guy in the office drives one. I must get to know him better !

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RE: Driving naked

In the last week I've driven naked right across the North York Moors, then back from Pickering, through Helmsley and Thirsk to Ripon; to and from York twice and from Leeds. My passenger took photos (one is in the album). And we also went for a naked walk on the edge of the Dales.

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RE: Driving naked

I just love it....and I do it often.

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RE: Driving naked

I just love it....and I do it often.There's enough room in British Columbia to drive naked 24/7. Last year
some friends and I drove naked from Vacouver to Banff via the Okangan
Valley, and then from Jasper back to Vancouver via the Yellowhead Pass and Kamloops. We did
quite a lot of naked swimming in lakes and rivers.

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RE: Driving naked

I love driving naked!! I will strip down any time that I will be driving for more that an hour. One time, coming back from a naked hike, I didn't cover up going through the border patrol check point. He didn't say anything about it, just asked where I had been. I thought I was so daring, but then realized, I'm sure I am not the first he has seen...

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RE: Driving naked

I love to drive naked. I have made many trips totally nude both in my car and when I drove a big truck. I am leaving in a few minutes to drive naked to Lupin Resort (about 30 minutes away) for an afternoon of sun and fun with friends.

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