Daring Nudists/swingers

For those of us who are daring, being naked or having sex where we shouldn't

This is a naked driving and walking dare. You need a spare car
You drive out into the country, strip, leave all your clothes in
the car and lock it with the key inside. (One way is to leave the
window open just enough to post the key through the slot after you
have locked it.) Now you have done it! you are locked out of your
car, naked and some distance from home. You have to walk, get a
lift or catch a bus home to retrieve the other key - and some
clothes if you want them. I hope you kept your house key with you.
Then it's back to the car.

There are variations. You could drive out naked having left all
your clothes at home. Another variation starts with you carrying
both car keys on your drive out. You hid one somewhere on route.
Then drive on, get out of the car naked and lock it as above. This
time you have to walk back and find the hidden key before returning
to the car and unlocking it. You will be obliged towalk both
directions naked. Or you could plan a circular rout.

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RE: Spare keys

There is another variation more akin to the reputed traditional pot-luck use of car keys amongst swingers. The men each decide where they will drive to beforehand. Each destination is written on an envelope with the spare key inside and put in the pot-luck bowl. They drive to the destination, strip and lock their clothes and key in the car. Now they must await rescue by whoever retrieves their spare key from the bowl. It rather depends on the rescuer's willingness and ability to find our stranded, nakedvictim.And he has to be visible to any passing car in case she drives straight past. What they do when they meet is up to them.

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RE: Spare keys

This sounds thrilling and could be done by as few as 2, although the more the merrier.

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RE: Spare keys

It sure does.

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