Daring Nudists/swingers

For those of us who are daring, being naked or having sex where we shouldn't

Nude Hotel Elevator Ride

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I posted this on TrueNudists a while back, so thought I'd post it here too.

I travel for work extensively staying in hotels 4 nights a week. One week I was staying at an Embassy Suite I rode a glass elevator fully naked at an Embassy Suite, which if you've ever stayed at one, has a central foyer that goes from the ground floor up to the ceiling. The rooms all open to the foyer, and each floor hallway is actually a balcony.

One night I was feeling very adventuresome. I stripped naked and stood out on the balcony for a while, looking down at the people at the bar. No one looked up....so I took a nude walk around the 6th floor balcony. Then I decided to step it up - I got in the elevator, completely naked, no towel or clothes to cover up with, and rode the elevator from the 6th floor down to the lobby, and then back up again. The elevator could have stopped at any floor. Anyone could have been there. The elevator did open on the lobby level and I heard voices, but no one got on. Not to mention it was a glass elevator.

I've posted two videos on my profile - one of the balcony walk, the other of the elevator ride for proof.

It was very exciting, and not sure I'd ever repeat it.

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RE:Nude Hotel Elevator Ride

Youre brave. Did u ever leave your curtains open so people can see in your room from the balcony??

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RE:Nude Hotel Elevator Ride

I have also taken nude elevator rides in a hotel. Very exciting not knowing whether or not the door would open at an unexpected floor to someone waiting. Most hotels have cams pointed at the elevators these days. Definitely curtailed this type of activity.

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RE:Nude Hotel Elevator Ride

Im totally impressed with you men! I have been checking out an elevator in an office building that I want to get my elevator pic in, but need more checking before I strip.

Thanks for the encouragement!!

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RE:Nude Hotel Elevator Ride

Wow, just wish I was there to join you after the tour. I look at myself as an exhib but do believe I would fake out on that one.

Well done!

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RE:Nude Hotel Elevator Ride

Now that sounds exciting, amd daring. and I've walked to the ice machine on my floor naked.

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RE:Nude Hotel Elevator Ride

Amazing story of your naked elevator ride. Really impressive. And great that you did it totally naked, which somehow makes it more exciting. I have never gone for a naked hotel elevator ride, but like others here have walked down the hall to get ice naked. If I run into anyone, I just say, "Is your room hot? I need some ice because these rooms are HOT." Always gets a positive reaction, and sometimes more.

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RE:Nude Hotel Elevator Ride

Glad that my entry spurred more conversation and stories. Please post photos if you have them of your adventures. Here is one of me in a hotel hallway. Enjoy!

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