Daring Nudists/swingers

For those of us who are daring, being naked or having sex where we shouldn't

How many of us throw caution to the wind when on holiday? When in Lanzarote last week I decided to have a nude day. So I took no clothes when we set out for the day - only a wrap. My friend decided to call into a major vineyard on the way. The wrap came in useful. but it came off as soon as the coach party had passed.

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RE: On holiday

I wore a sarong last year. Just as I was entering a cafe it came undone. Unlike you I backed away and tried to put myself in order. Well that didn't work so I got into my car at a significant slant. The eyes on the woman across the street were large as it slid down my side due to gravity.
Earlier I had no problems with it.

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