Daring Nudists/swingers

For those of us who are daring, being naked or having sex where we shouldn't

Night Time Neighbourhood Walks

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I have gone out for night time walks quite frequently over the years. Leave the clothes at home and leave by the backdoor. I will walk for about a mile in our neighbourhood. Several times I have met someone. You wouldn't believe the reactions. Anything from shock to disinterest to not believing what they see.

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RE:Night Time Neighbourhood Walks

I was out drinking with a friend in one of his village pubs. When walking home I decided we should remove a garment every 100 paces - something I have done many times when walking home in my own village. At 100 paces we both removed our kilts. At 200 paces off came my coat, then my sweater, then my shirt. So I was completely naked and only half the way home. My friend was a bit uneasy about me walking naked around his village, but didn't stop me.

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RE:Night Time Neighbourhood Walks

Whenever I visited we used to walk home naked from the pub in your village. I loved it!!!

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RE:Night Time Neighbourhood Walks

Years back I would walk the neighborhood nude for a mile or more. I still do, but not nearly as far (bad knees). I used to walk to an apartment building a couple of blocks away, and swim naked in their pool. That was exciting. Then I would walk around the block. I also used to hike a lot while naked. I would meet people, and get mixed reactions. Surprisingly, it was the women who were okay with it. I always got smiles from the ladies.

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RE:Night Time Neighbourhood Walks

I wish I lived in a area I could still walk around naked but I now live in a very busy Street with tons of police traveling all the time

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RE:Night Time Neighbourhood Walks

I agree with what you have said about Europeans being more socially progressive in regard to public nudity. I have a friend who married a German physician after 6 years with USA Intel in Germany and he told me a very interesting antidotal story about the public parks in the FRG ( Fed. Rep. of Germany). He and his wife went to the FRG every year to see her relatives so he was quite aware of the social climate there. He said that it was generally accepted that the public parks were available for public nudity and that such liberated types engaged publicly in all sorts of sexual behavior/acts from various positions for intercourse to cunnilingus, etc. but that the so called "mainstream" just dismissed it all by conveniently labeling such liberated folks "crazy."

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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RE:Night Time Neighbourhood Walks

I am outside nude all of the time now. I am in the country so hardly anyone would know. Few people pass by. I will crouch down behind bushes when a car passes. Have had someone walk by while I crouched. I acted like I did not know they were there hoping they would notice. Wish they saw me and shouted hi!

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RE:Night Time Neighbourhood Walks

Last year I started walking around the neighborhood naked, sometimes I have met people, some say hello and others don't say anything, there is a large park in the neighborhood and I found a neighbor from my building who was naked and with an erection of on the way to the park and the excitement was so great that we fucked right there, today we go to the park and have a few beers and fuck.

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RE:Night Time Neighbourhood Walks

Great story !
Love the idea of seeing someone else naked and hard as you walk around naked as well

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RE:Night Time Neighbourhood Walks

Multiple security cameras have prevented me from doing this in my local area but a recent stay in a holiday spot provided an opportunity to give it a little try. The first time I carried by clothes with me but the second time I left them behind to walk along residential streets, on a path past a resort complex and across a pedestrian crossing to a small beach for a nighttime dip. Lovely and, as far as I know, I wasn't seen.

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RE:Night Time Neighbourhood Walks

I was watering the side yard shrubs years ago. A small group of Asian students walked by. They just looked, said "hi" and kept going. A bit too thrilling.

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