Curious Men And Women...

This group is for guys and girls who are stuck in the middle of their sexuality. Are we straight... Are we gay? Are we bi? Share some experiences on how you went from straight to bi or bi-curious, or even gay? How did you know your sexuality? How did you introduce being bi-curious or bi-sexual into your relationship? Share with us your experiences on introducing the bi life into the bedroom......

fantasy vs experiance

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hope it's not a problem posting in multiple groups. i don't mean t spam, but thought this topic was appropriate in a few groups.

the question has come up, is the fantasy meant to be realized or, is it meant to stay a fantasy? i've never been with a guy but it's been on my mind for years. it's been a big part of my fantasies for that time. i guess u can look at it as, how far do i wanna go? is just fantasizing about it enough or do i really think about the idea so highly, the next natural step is to go for it? which i guess is a fair question.

but, here's another question, what happens after i go for it? i've had these fantasies for so long they feel like a part of me. kinda give me comfort. once i realize them & experiance them for real the fantasies no longer exist, it's something i would loose. which is fine i guess if i find out from experiance i like being with guys, & i have enough opportunities to be with guys. but what happens if i don't like the experiance? if i hate it? if i loath it? if i feel repused? then the fantasy can never be used by me ever again & i'm left with nothing. yes there would be relief after years of torturing myself with curiosity. years when i was younger, more resiliant & more virile. but i would be emptier because the fantasies would be overshadowed by the grim realization it's not something i'd like.

i'm not talking about having a bad experiance like sleeping with a jerk or running out of lube. i could easily enough chalk it up to experiance but still know i could have a better experiance under better circumstances--a more suitable guy(s), a more private area, a better nite's sleep. i'm also not really talking about feeling guilty afterwards either. though that's another question, i guess if i kept doing it i would get over any guilt.

i'm talking about just not liking it. the fantasy looses it's power. do i then withdraw more from society? do i spiral out of control desparately & haphazzardly looking for meaning in my life? does my confusion grow so i miss opportunites to learn & be happy, or are things clearer to me than they have been for years? if so what do i see? what do i cling to? what do i aspire to? am i now able to be successful with seeking the right member of the opposite sex & establishing a healthy, joyfull relationship with her, or am i plunged even deeper in the hole of incompetence that drains most of the joy out of my life?

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RE:fantasy vs experiance

Much like you, I have had the fantasy & desire for quite some time.

I have only every had a cock in my mouth one time, and I have never had another man's cock in my ass at all, but I strongly desire both. In fact, I have fantasized about having several guys all take turns each putting their cocks in my mouth for me to suck while another of them is busy fucking me in the ass until each and every one of them blows a load inside of me.

I don't have many opportunities to try to move forward with making the fantasy a reality, but I am trying to work on that. I recently got up the nerve to get naked in front of another man and ask him to let me try sucking his cock. He declined my offer claiming that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer several years back and has had surgery to remove his prostate. He declined my offer saying that he can't get an erection and can't cum. This is a minor setback, but since I finally got to the point I did with him, I expect I will get there with someone else as well...

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RE:fantasy vs experiance

The older you get, the stronger the fantasy. The great thing about this site is you get to talk about your fantasies without fear of loosing friends.

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RE:fantasy vs experiance

To me a fantasy has to be possible. I could fantasise about having naked sex with an air hostess in the isle on a long haul flight. But it's not going to happen. I could fantasise about being neutered - cock and balls completely cut off but that's too big a price to pay.

A fantasy is so much stronger if it can actually happen. I have had a man inside my ass (once) and have sucked many others. The enjoyment does not diminish with the experience. And, if that man's cock is disappointing, I can find another.

One of my fantasies is to be tied up, stripped naked and abused with others watching. I've got close with it happening as after dinner entertainment for guests in a gay nude guesthouse. Now I long for a bigger venue, or in public.

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