Circumcised And Uncircumcised Cocks

For all members who like.....Just post your cock pictures.

I was at a nudist resort on St. Patrick's weekend. It was a little chilly going between the various indoor facilities and a fellow uncut man took his robe off after coming into the pub from the indoor pool. He joked that he was turtling - his foreskin was chilly and tight around his glans from the cool/extreme temperature changes. I'd never thought about it and realized that I turtle when it's cold too! I have a long foreskin and it is not tight, but it's interesting how the foreskin once again provides function (in my humble opinion) to protect your glans from extreme weather. Any other uncircumcised men who turtle? I guess our testicles probably turtle too on cold days - I know mine do!

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RE: Turtling

I am cut and I do the same thing. I was cut loose and when it is cold I can pull my skin down so itwill cover my glans and it will stay that way for a while.

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RE: Turtling

i am cut too also lucky enough to have been left loose foreskin and when cold and in morning my penis shrinks down to about 1/2 inch and looks like a acorn with just the tip of my gland poking out from my foreskin, i actually like the look and wish it would stay this way unless it's being used.

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RE: Turtling

I thought that Turtling was when the penis virtually disappears
into the body with just the tip showing like the head of a turtle
hiding inside its shell. The penis head hiding inside the foreskin
does not count. That is normal in uncut men.Looking at
profiles I see that can happen to Gabare butI'd be
surprised if it did tothe others.

Mine does not turtle even when cold. My balls might well shrink
into my body but not my cock. I know there is plenty of space for
it in there from when I put on/take off my cock ring. After
threading my balls through the ring it is my cock's turn. As I
present it to the ring it totally disappears. Fortunately I can
push the end of my foreskin through the ring. Then with coaxing and
pulling on the skin my cock reappears through the ring(much
to my relief).

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RE: Turtling

yeah turtling is pretty much when your penis disappears inside you, mine won't do that unless i do it manually i'm pretty small but not that small. there are numerous sites showing guys with turtling cocks kinda sexy some are cut and some are uncut.

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