Circumcised And Uncircumcised Cocks

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Famous Fictional Characters: Who is uncut and who is circumcised?

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Just wondering who you all think is hiding a beautiful uncut cock
under their clothing in movies, tv and books.....and who is
not....... (Maybe I just need a hobby....or a boyfriend!)

Some of
my guesses for uncut: James Bond Han Solo Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt's
version) Thor (I imagine Thor might even have TWO penises....
because why not? He IS the God of Thunder, afterall...)) Shaft (at
least, I hope so!) Harry Potter

Circumcised: Star Lord (Peter
Quill) from Guardians of the Galaxy Luke Skywalker (HeeHee!) Tyler
Durden (Edward Norton's version) Dick Tracy (ironically) Tony Stark
(IronMan) Ron Weasley (Harry Potter books/films) Marcellus Wallace
(Pulp Fiction)

Who do you think is cut or uncut? Do you agree or
disagree with my list?

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RE: Famous Fictional Characters: Who is uncut and who is circumcised?

no doubt popeye and brutus both were uncut and skinny olive oil was doing them both.

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RE: Famous Fictional Characters: Who is uncut and who is circumcised?

I figure Sherlock Holmes was uncircumcised, as were Captain Ahab, Starbuck and Queequeg in Moby Dick. Dr. Frankenstein was probably uncircumcised, but I wonder about the monster. That got me thinking...if the Dr. was uncut and he found a corpse with a circumcised penis for his monster, he probably would have searched around and found a foreskin from another corpse and sewed it on to make him more in the image of himself...I guess they left those details out in the book and film versions. Although in Young Frankenstein we at least learned that the monster was very well hung. We just didn't find out whether he was cut or uncut.

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