Caught Masterbating By Hotel Maids

A forum for guys and girls who have been caught by hotel maids

Caught by my neighbours amazing

Caught naked and hard by elderly woman kindsa locked eyes in my direction wanna know more xxx

Naked when Maid come in hotel room

I time it so that i am naked in the hotel room when the maid comes in. They always knock but I don't answer, don't have the Do Not Disturb sign on the door, no lights and no TV on, so they think the room is not occupied at the time. I have...

Walking down the hotel hallway...

I have always wanted to walk down the hallway totally nude in a hotel, have never had the nerve to do it, afraid I'd get in trouble. I imagine they have cameras in every hall and all are monitored, right?

Well it wasn't the maid but the room...

I was staying in a hotel for a week for work. Had ordered room service, I thought I had a good amount of time to rub one out. I put the do not disturb on the outside door handle and closed the door. I guess it got caught right where the latch was...

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